Here’s How These 15 Single Men Describe Their ‘Dream Girl’
"A girl with whom I can sit or walk side by side in quietness, and not worry about 'awkward silence.'"
Brittany Cox

Data gathered from real men on Reddit
One who’ll give me back scratches.
— Tah97
Petite, dark hair, pretty, super into fitness, ambitious, educated, loyal, kind, silly, weird in a similar way as me, somewhat traditional.
Someone who, if not for the physical attraction, would probably be my rival. Someone who lives an interesting life, though not too much more so than mine I don’t want to become her sidekick, I want to be partners.
— DFP_
Probably someone pretty similar to me, just female, and being more attractive wouldn’t hurt
— EHG123
Short, dark hair, big boobs. Likes some of the things I like, willing to go to stupid punk shows with me. Moderately into Satan.
One who wants a gaggle of dogs and also would be open to the idea of a bear puppy and several hedgehogs.
- Persian, Arabian or Indian heritage
- Dat booty
- Firm B or C cups
- Nurse
- Likes fitness and outdoorsy shit
- Likes animals
- Good at singing
A girl with whom I can sit or walk side by side in quietness, and not worry about “awkward silence.” Cliche as it may be (because this is reddit), Pulp Fiction said it best: “That’s when you know you’ve found somebody really special. When you can just shut the fuck up for a minute and comfortably share silence.”
It’s easy to ramble on about bullshit, and to make small talk. It’s easy to act interested in what she, or anyone for that matter, has to say. What’s hard is finding someone with whom you can just sit and enjoy silence.
Dominant, confident, and assertive.
— morerokk
A phat ass, and blonde hair would be a great start.
But the must haves is someone who is
Very touchy feely, I addicted to hugs
Smarter than me (I’m tired of dating dumbasses)
The funnier the better, just not so much as to where everything that comes out her mouth is a joke.
Horny as hell, 1-6 times a day sounds great to me.
A not disgusting face, make up and love helps make you prettier.
Cruel, if she can kill someone and feel no remorse. I’d be head over heels.
Oh yeah, and loyalty would be the most important one. If I love you and you cheat on me, I’ll chop off your fucking legs.
One that is smart, loyal, looks like lindsey pelas and shares my interests.
Not fat, cool personality (just someone I get along with well and good chemistry) not too tall and at least average looking
Edit: Not having these are dealbreakers: confident, good sense of humor/laid back, not self absorbed, independent, smart and non contentious
Curvy/Thick build
Hair colour isn’t too much of an issue to be honest, though I am a sucker for a redhead/ginger
Eyes: I’m a sucker for nice eyes
Height Wise: shorter than me. I’m 5’11 so height isn’t really a factor for me. But I do like women who fall into the 5’3 – 5’6 range. Not a deal breaker though.
Intelligent and street smart
Passionate, driven and loyal
Morally/ethically strong.
Tall with curly hair and an ass is my weakness 😍
— LilBoopy
Short, like 5’5 or less, physically affectionate and loves to cuddle, a dark, morbid sense of humor, compassionate and looks at me like this.