51 People Reveal The Most Pathetic Thing An Ex Ever Said To Try To Get Them Back


A girl once tried to make me feel sorry for her and told me that she cut herself because of me breaking up with her.

It didn’t quite work, but it really made me go quite insane thinking that if she did something even more dangerous, people would start to point fingers.

In other words, if I would’ve dated her again, it wouldn’t be to make her happy, it would just make me feel reassured that I wouldn’t be the cause of a death.

Never went out with her, but she kept telling people that I was verbally abusing her.

Stopped talking to her. After a while, rumors died. She moved. It was done with.

— Anonymously-Used


“I know it’s been like a year, but I’ve asked out 4 other girls and they’ve all said no. So I thought I’d try again with you.”

— iwasbornon420


“You’ll never be with anyone like me”

Well yeah. That’s what I’m sure hoping.

— fivemetresfromthesun


I’m paraphrasing here but it boiled down to “Uggh this guy I cheated on you with is so awful, we should hang out”

And I was all like “Nah bitch.”

— PillageForJesus


“Your sisters are hotter than you, but I like your personality best.” Thanks a peach, but no thanks.

— cooljeopardyson

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