51 People Reveal The Most Pathetic Thing An Ex Ever Said To Try To Get Them Back


“Come on…take one for the team.”

Huh what?

— nicismyspiritanimal


“I know it was wrong of me to try and separate you from all your female friends. I just get jealous sometimes. Give me another chance. We can compromise. I’ll stop complaining about you seeing them, as long as you’re not alone with them.”

(BTW – she has TONS of guy friends that she would never abandon)

— MrMagooLostHisShoe


I broke up with a guy in senior year of high school. Two weeks later, he called me to tell me that he thought we should break up, since he had refused to allow me to break up with him earlier, despite the fact that I said I was done. He said that if I ‘came to my senses’, he’d consider taking me back. I told him that was never going to happen, but wished him luck.

The fun epilogue of this story comes two years after that. I logged into AIM to chat with my college best friend and low.and behold, he logged on! I said hi and asked how he was doing. He said he had a fiancée but that there was an issue and asked for a favor. I asked what it was, because I was curious.

He asked for a picture of my feet. When I asked why, he explained that the only way he could get off was by picturing me coming home from a long day of work on my feet and making him clean my sweaty feet with his tongue. If he could see my feet, he was pretty sure he could ‘ get over it’. I asked if he’d tried role playing with his fianceé , since it was almost certainly the power dynamic he liked and not specifically me, especially since he and I never did anything remotely like that. He said that they’d tried, but it didn’t work and it was my feet, or he couldn’t get hard.

He then asked if I’d be willing to boss around him and the woman he was going to marry so that he could maybe cum from sex with her. I logged off of aim and have never logged in again.

— effexxor

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