10 Terrible Movies That Are Totally Awesome

Terrible movies that are totally awesome are the kind you either won't admit to liking, or proclaim you like because you're trying to be ironic. Terrible movies that are totally awesome are movies with cheesy-ass special effects, sensational plots and an extreme disregard for reality. Terrible movies are terrible, but they're also awesome.


9. Congo (1995)

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSvU8a_hn2Q&w=575&h=390%5D

Perhaps the most terrible movie in this list, Congo is a movie based on the late Michael Crichton novel, in which a gorilla who can talk with a device strapped to her arm that translates ASL movements into speech leads a ragtag group of scientists and deviants into the deep Congo to find a cave. The plot twists, however, when we find out that the cave has a bunch of diamonds in it, but is guarded by a tribe of intense, psychopathic death gorillas. At the end of the movie, the whole cave just like, gets enveloped in lava for no reason other than coincidence, I guess, and one of the final scenes is of a bunch of enraged gorillas jumping into a lake of fire. Anyways – Congo is indeed terrible and awesome.