23 Signs You Have An Addiction To Fast Food
Your wifi automatically connects at all the fast food places within a ten mile radius of your home and work.

1. You know what the special menu items are at all the fast food joints.
2. You have actually hung out with people that work at the restaurants you frequent.
3. You know how every sandwich on a menu tastes with or without cheese.
4. When Taco Bell announced they were going to start doing breakfast, you did intense research to ensure you would be able to partake as soon as it came available.
5. When they subtly try to change the fries at your favorite place, you not only notice, but complain and then are sad for at least 3 days.
6. You have used a ‘free refill’ cup and NOT on the same visit. Sinner…
7. You know which places have 10 cent wing nights and plan your week accordingly.
8. You prefer brown paper napkins to white and sigh heavily when you go somewhere and they have the white ones.
9. You may have even brought your own napkins to with you.
10. You have a chart listing superiority of honey mustards according to restaurant chain.
11. You have definitely brought your own honey mustard with you.
12. You don’t go to restaurants where value menus don’t exist.
13. When you want to get really fancy, like for a date, you don’t mind the extra .89 cent upcharge for a bigger size.
14. You know which restaurants have the best iced coffee and make sure to tell all your friends.
15. Your wifi automatically connects at all the fast food places within a ten mile radius of your home and work.
16. You have actually commented to other guests after they order at the counter, “Man, that is a good sandwich right there.”
17. Your fridge has one bottle of ketchup, some old cheese, and condiment packets from all the restaurants you go to. One drawer is nothing but honey mustard.
18. You have had entire conversations about McGriddles.
19. You feel bad for people who bring their lunch to work.
20. When Arby’s got rid of their Tangy Southwest Sauce, you wrote a letter to their corporate office.
21. You have all the McDonald’s beanie babies.
22. Going to the grocery store is your least favorite thing to do.
23. Your triglycerides are incredibly high.