Live A Life That’s Filled To The Brim With Excitement

Look in the mirror and ask yourself if this life is making you happy, if this life is filling you with excitement and if the answer is no, change something.



Live a life that has you filled to the brim with excitement, a life that you’re enthusiastic about when you wake up in the morning. Live a life you can’t get enough of, a life that makes you smile for no reason when you think about how lucky you are.

Live a life that is filled with your kind of excitement. A life where you don’t feel like you’re obligated to do something, that you don’t feel like you’re only doing something because it’s required.

Live a life that makes you feel like you have a purpose, a life that makes you filled with happiness because you can’t wait for all the fulfilling moments you’ll experience that day.

Find something that fills you with excitement and never let it go.

If it’s jumping out of a plane, go skydiving. If it’s painting abstract art become a painter. If it’s sitting in a bookstore that brings you pure joy, go find a bookstore. If it’s traveling, pack a backpack and go. If it’s writing articles and you’ve been rejected 20 times, keep submitting, keep improving, but don’t let your dreams die because you get rejected, use it to inspire you to be greater and dig deeper.

Find something that makes your life feel like you found your purpose and never let it go.

Live a life where you are genuinely thankful for what you have, not a kind of life where you don’t know what you have until it’s gone. If you can’t find thanks to give in your everyday life take yourself out of your comfort zone. Spend a night sleeping on the streets, go on a mission trip and see how other’s live, feel empathetic for those who truly have nothing. Change your perspective and realize that you are truly lucky and that you are thankful for what you have.

Live a life where work makes you feel completed and like you’re doing something good. Don’t work a job that pays the bills just because, take some time out of your structured life and just let it go.

Look in the mirror and ask yourself if this life is making you happy, if this life is filling you with excitement and if the answer is no, change something.

Change your job, your routine, your diet, or your relationships, but change something. Make it better. Never stop improving.

Live a life that you are proud of. Live a life that makes you feel happy to wake up every morning and be able to start the day. Live a life that makes you smile for no reason.

Surround yourself with people who make you genuinely happy, not people who you pretend to like. People who make you a better person, that make your heart grow bigger, people that fill you with the utmost love in this life.

Live a life you are obsessed with, a life that is filled with your type of excitement and happiness. Live your best life, after all you’ve only got one shot to make it count.

Live a life where you don’t settle, live a life where you can honestly say you’re happy, live a life that brings you joy and live a life that you are excited about.

Find something you love and never let it go. Thought Catalog Logo Mark