
16 People On What Made Their ‘Forever’ Relationship Fail

“She left me for another woman.”



1. “I was young and wasn’t really sure what ‘forever’ meant.” – Sam, 22


2. “I tried telling myself I was happy with him and that things would get better in the future, but they haven’t. I’m still with him.” – Kristen, 23


3. “We were in a relationship for a few years prior to me leaving for work, I was only gone a few months until I received the call that she wanted to see other people. It broke my heart completely, I still can’t believe it.” – Ron, 28


4. “We got in a motorcycle accident, I lived, but he didn’t. I’ll never step foot on another motorcycle again in my life.” – Kavanagh, 23


5. “After a couple years of dating things just turned routine for him. He stopped being the person I feel in love with and I knew it was time to walk away. He made me feel guilty for everything and started to manipulate me. It took some time and confidence, but I realized there were better things out there for me.” – Alex, 27


6. “She lied to me. She was cheating on me with her ex and some other random guys. I was blind sided, but once I figured it out I knew I had to walk away.” – Xavier, 23


7. “We grew apart, the people we were when we were growing up wasn’t the same people we were in our twenties and I think we both realized that.” – Leah, 25


8. “I wanted to move away for work and he didn’t want to leave his hometown that we’d been living in for almost 10 years. I knew that I was going to resent him in the future if I stayed with him there because I wanted so much more for myself.” – Bridgette, 32


9. “She wasn’t happy, but she didn’t tell me. She just let the relationship go on with me thinking nothing was wrong. I was completely blind sided by the ending.” – Matt, 24


10. “She left me for another woman.” – Kevin, 28


11. “I didn’t treat her how I should have. I took her for granted and everything she did for me. I still miss her, but she’s happy now it seems.” – Shane, 26


12. “He was my best friend, but he was mentally abusive and I didn’t even realize it at the time. He didn’t let me do anything without him and if I did it caused a fight. He was extremely insecure and took everything out on me and made me always feel guilty. I really thought we’d make it, but then I smartened up.” – Sara, 24


13. “Our forever relationship was almost too perfect to be true. But we were both too young for anything serious, but time will tell, he will always be my best friend.” – Lila, 22


14. “I made her feel alone in our relationship. I didn’t treat her like I should have because I was too wrapped up in my own life that I wasn’t giving her the attention and love I should have. I blame myself everyday for letting our relationship fail.” – Mark, 30


15. “I cheated on him. I was being selfish and I let my emotions ruin everything we built up together.” – Brit, 24


16. “He wanted more than what I could give him.” – Mary, 22 Thought Catalog Logo Mark