50 People Share What They Think The World Needs A Little More Of

"The world needs more decisions made by heart and less by ego."


Twenty20 / jaclyncorn
Twenty20 / jaclyncorn
Twenty20 / jaclyncorn

1. “More people who stop and smell the roses, who want to teach others new things. More people who dance on bars.”


2. “More people willing to go against the norm. Everyone it seems nowadays has the same set plan: finish high school, go to college, find a job. Yet some of the people with the most interesting or successful lives are those who didn’t follow the generic life path, like Steve Jobs. ”


3. “The world needs more avocados so guacamole isn’t SO DAMN EXPENSIVE at Chipotle.”


4. “More cowbell.”


5. “The world needs more drivers willing to stop and wave you in and let you pass or merge into traffic, and more wine.”


6. “Hmmm sex, more sex.”


7. “The world needs more decisions made by heart and less by ego.”


8. “We need more breweries. I’m tired of driving down the road for a beer. Why can’t there be one on every corner? Then we can have cool fight scenes like in West Side Story.”


9. “Stronger relationships with family and friends.”


10. “The world needs more music, of all kinds, all the time. Nothing helps me lose myself even just for a moment than the right song.”


11. “The world needs a “National Put Your Phone Away for ONE DAY Day” with no social media, a day of real human communication. Or a National Release of Hot Air…gas if you will, because we are surrounded by anal retentive people. Loosen up and relax people.”


12. “Bottomless mimosa brunches.”


13. “The world needs more laughter, people who are willing to laugh at themselves when they make mistakes.”


14. “People with their own hobbies so they can stop worrying about what everyone else around them is doing.”


15. “More people with a sense of humor! So many people take life too seriously.”


16. “More people who are like “this is my shitbox car but I really like where it’s taken me”.”


17. “More brunch opportunities, more days in the weekend, more delicious foods that don’t cause weight gain, and more funny people on Facebook to drown out the bitch and whine.”


18. “Intelligent people and marijuana legalization.”


19. “More vacation time, young entrepreneurs, people doing what they love.”


20. “More women who want to date me.”


21. “You know when you’re drunk and go to the bathroom and everyone is your best friend? We need more people like that all the time.”


22. “More karma, less drama.”


23. “People who start conversations with strangers! Not in a creepy way of course, but like a friendly chat.”


24. “Spending more time enjoying life and less on social media documenting it.”


25. “Heroes. The ones you see and hear about and the ones you don’t, quietly helping without a word or recognition.”


26. “More people who don’t take themselves so seriously. It’s important to do your work and be serious about that, but some people just need to loosen up and enjoy life, and more dogs.”


27. “Chocolate and coffee, you always hear the world is running out, not good.”


28. “More people with a better work ethic and a sense of community.”


29. “We need more In N Out Burger so the rest of the country can discover how good their double double is.”


30. “More sex, generosity, butter on movie theater popcorn, and low calorie alcohol.”


31. “More being kind to people, even if you don’t know them. We need more people to step up and help each other out.”


32. “Less people bitching, more people drinking.”


33. “Good parents.”


34. “The world needs more tolerance. Is your life affected by two men getting married? No. Does someone else’s religious beliefs impinge on your religious beliefs? No. Will someone else’s parenting styles determine your child’s upbringing? The answer is still no. If we respected each other’s differences, the nightly news would be less depressing.”


35. “More free wifi.”


36. “The world needs more sex! I’m not talking about the sloppy, one night stand type; I’m talking about the passionate act two people can share when they care about their partner. When the pleasure parts of our brains are activated, feelings of euphoria increase, which would increase the number of people who are a little less stressed and a lot more satisfied!”


37. “There needs to be more communicating with people face to face and actually spending quality time together.”


38. “The world needs more genuine people, who care about it.”


39. “More fucking people working at the RMV”. ( aka DMV)


40. “More time for naps, more beach days, warm weather and nice people.”


41. “The world needs more celebrities that act like normal people.”


42. “More social interaction, less cell phone interaction.”


43. “How about orgasms? I feel like the world would be a much better place if everyone was getting truly laid more often.”


44. “Winning lottery tickets, and coffee and liquor stores that deliver.”


45. “More paid maternity leave. I have worked my whole life, forever, so many hours and I’m broke as a joke. Daycare costs just as much if not more than my paycheck, almost pointless.”


46. “The world needs more acceptance and less judgment. So many people are affected by how others see them and other people’s opinions of them. If there was less judgment from everyone there wouldn’t be so many suicides and deaths due to bullying or any of that. People should be able to be who you they are and do what they want instead of living up to everyone else’s expectations.”


47. “More silly people who can lighten the mood.”


48. “More friends with benefits.”


49. “There need to be more shirtless, tattooed, muscley men roaming the streets.”


50. “I think the world needs more people to realize we don’t own it. We merely live side by side with living creatures and we take advantage. Plant a tree, stop killing off living things. All we can do is care, love and realize the beauty behind every living thing in the world. It was put on earth for a reason, everything serves a purpose. If we can’t do that, then more vodka will do just fine.” Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Ashley Twigg

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