I’ve Been Cheating On My Husband For 7 Months And I Don’t Feel Bad About It


My husband, as bad as he may be, works hard to support our family. He puts his own goals aside to make sure we’re happy — but he’s clueless about our sex life. About a year ago, he started developing stress-related panic attacks and he’s been taking medication for it, which for some reason, decreased his libido. We noticed that we were having less sex, but I thought we’d get over it. I couldn’t. He tried to wean himself off the medication, but he ended up getting crippling panic attacks again. With him this way, I’ve had to initiate sex 90% of the time and I felt frustrated. He picked up playing Minecraft, which consumed most of his free time — meaning he didn’t touch me, much less even look at me. Not very therapeutic for me.

One afternoon, I was driving home from shopping when I heard a loud bang. It scared the bejeezus out of me. I pulled over to the side of the road and found that I had a flat tire. Go figure. I called my husband who was at work. He said he couldn’t come because he was swamped. I asked him if he could just tell his boss that it was an emergency — he cut me off and said that he wouldn’t be able to do that. It grew into an argument and I just hung up on him. I felt so angry at him. Why couldn’t he have just asked? If the boss said no, then no big deal, call a towing company for me. But instead, he argued and didn’t think twice of figuring out a way to help me.

I stood on the side of the road going through my phone when a car pulled up next to me. A man from inside the car asked me if I needed help. I said I had a flat tire and that I didn’t know what to do. He asked me if he could help and I accepted. He got out of his car and fixed the flat for me. He turned out to be a consultant for some financial company. I thanked him for the work and offered to buy him a cup of coffee. He instead asked me to lunch and I took him on his offer.

Lunch led to coffee, which led to him inviting me to his house, and we ended up having sex. He was married — once — and decided that it wasn’t for him. His job kept him from staying in one place for too long and obviously, a married woman would have some trouble with that — and she did. He didn’t want a relationship, I didn’t want to divorce my husband, so things just worked out.

Fast forward seven months.

I’m still seeing him. Every time he comes back to town, we meet, he buys me lunch, and we go have sex. I enjoy the thrill of having sex with another man, but coming home to my husband is equally as fulfilling. I’ve become less frustrated with my husband now that someone gives me the passion and an outlet for my sexual frustrations. I want to continue this, but I’m wondering how long it will last. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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