42 Celebrity Anagrams That Prove The Existence Of The Illuminati
What are they planning? Who else is involved? Who the hell is Dave Coulier? NO ONE KNOWS THESE THINGS. But they left a few hints hidden in their names:
1. Catherine Zeta-Jones

Jeez, Satan! Nice Throne
2. Kanye West

Sweaty Ken
3. Leonardo Dicaprio

Periodic Anal Odor
4. Amanda Bynes

Any Damn Beans
5. Channing Tatum

Taint Machine Gun
6. Philip Seymour Hoffman

A Finely Frumpish Oomph
7. Justin Timberlake

Miserable Tit Junk
8. Robin Thicke

Knob Itcher
9. Jack Nicholson

Conjoined Nachos
10. Victoria Beckham

Brave Atomic Hick
11. Cara Delevingne

Evil Acne Grenade
12. Taylor Lautner

Truly Tore Anal
13. Tom Cruise

Rise to Cum
14. Jason Statham

Satan Shot Jam
15. Kevin Federline

Evil Knee Finder
16. James Gandolfini

Inflamed Gonad
17. Pamela Anderson

Anal Promenades
18. Isaac Asimov
Ass Coma VII
19. Scarlett Johansson

John Let Satan Cross
20. Jodie Foster

Rodeo Jester
21. Meryl Streep

Try Eel Sperm
22. Antonio Banderas

Bandana Sorter
23. Morgan Freeman

A Gnome Farmer
24. Sylvester Stallone

Severely Lost Satanist
25. Robbie Knievel

Evil Bike Boner
26. Maksim Vitorgan
Satanic Vomit Game
27. Roman Polanski

Spank Monorail
28. Uma Thurman

Mom Hunter
29. William Shatner

Narwhal Elitism
30. Patton Oswalt

Postnatal Wart
31. Natalie Portman

Alien Tampon Art
32. Sandra Bullock

A Round Ballsack
33. Lance Armstrong

Long Arm Nectars
34. Diane Keaton

Kinda Ate One
35. Keira Knightley

Gay Kinky Hitler
36. Ernest Hemingway
My Inner Sewage
37. Bill Gates

Get Ill Abs
38. Salman Rushdie

Hurled His Semen
39. Patricia Arquette

Aquatic Reaper Tit
40. Matt Damon

Damn Tomato
41. Jason Bateman

Banjo Me, Satan!
42. Fergie

Guy Fieri