Not All Heroes Wear Capes

Flickr / Tiberiu Ana
Flickr / Tiberiu Ana

We see superheroes in capes or iron suits, riding in highly technological vehicles or spinning webs in alleys. We watch them fight advocates of evil who would do anything to get what they want by whatever means they desire – either destroying a city or killing the lives of innocents. We see them fly like birds as fast as a plane or run with incredible speed on the road. We watch them save the day.

These are among the iconic acts of almost every popular superhero we see onscreen. These days, we have this cinematic trend in our movie theaters for showing multiple superhero flicks based on classical comics or graphic novels. Earlier this year, we’ve seen how Deadpool was able to find his purpose after a terrible accident that gruesomely altered his appearance. We’ve seen how Batman was able to overcome his hatred over Superman. We’ve seen how Captain America and Iron Man broke their friendship and waged war against each other, dragging their comrades along with it. We’ve lined up outside the movie theaters, anticipating to witness their plight in the movies, hoping to be amazed by the wonders that they do as shown in stunning visuals crafted by the most talented filmmakers.

For certain, we have been highly entertained. For those loyal to the comics, a sense of nostalgia can be imperative. The line-up goes on with their sequels and spin-off’s in a universe (either in Marvel or DC) they share.

Yet, we could watch every movie about them and cannot help but notice the similarity they share. Every superhero movie, whether excellently executed or critically blasted, will stay fictitious.

Superman removes his cape behind the camera and he returns as Henry Cavill. Batman removes his boots and Ben Affleck becomes barefooted. Wade washes off his make-up and Ryan Reynolds’ face becomes clean. Captain America drops his shield and we see Chris Evans flexing his guns. Tony Stark unmasks himself and Robert Downy Jr. emerges once more. The actors who played them will be adored by the fans, interviewed by the media, and shall march on the red carpet’s aisle in the premiere of their films.

While superhero films stay in the realm of fiction, we can’t stop believing in the superheroes we have in our reality. Who may these people be? Are they wearing capes? Do they crawl on walls? Are they billionaires who become masked vigilantes at night? Do they protect themselves with star-spangled shields or fly above skyscrapers in highly mechanized iron suits?

As far as these ideas ignite imagination, I’d like to believe that superheroes exist in our daily lives. If we don’t recognize them, perhaps we must learn to look closely to discover that they are just in our midst.

Reality’s superheroes don’t have to wear capes. Instead, they wear scrub suits and stethoscopes in hospitals, blazers or suits in courts, and badges or bulletproof vests on the field.

They may not crawl on walls, but they do risk their lives entering into fiery places with hoses as their weapons to put out flames so these could not endanger the lives of anyone around. They may not be billionaires, but they do earn a living by teaching students in schools, writing on boards, and lending books in a library. They may not carry shields, but they may carry sacks of rice after a day’s harvest to transport them to a local market so the people in the community can buy something to eat.

An iron suit may be too heavy, so they prefer to wear aprons instead while cooking the favorite dish of their sons and daughters. And what use does a highly advanced vehicle have over one which bears a siren atop it and can be driven easily to stop criminals?

Nurses, doctors, lawyers, soldiers, firemen, teachers, farmers, mothers (or fathers), police officers, engineers, architects, journalists, writers, thespians, and many others are among reality’s superheroes which we should be grateful to have in this world.

These are only among the countless professions out there that are practiced by competent and brave individuals who make our world a better place to live in. Nurses and doctors heal the sick. Lawyers defend justice. Soldiers fight for their country’s freedom and honor.

Firemen put out flames or wildfires. Teachers or academes perpetuate knowledge. Farmers till the land for food. Our parents are part of our family and they love us for our own good. Police officers cease criminality. Engineers, architects, construction workers build houses, workplaces, or necessary sites for development. Journalists broadcast facts for information while writers share stories for inspiration and education. Thespians and other artists promote art and culture.

One could name more than a hundred others who strive to do what’s best for everyone, but the point is that the world needs superheroes so that everybody could have equal share of opportunities and live the life we deserve.

Although the stunning visuals can only be presented in films, we need to see the common good in our superheroes’ endeavors so that by seeing the fruit of their labors, we can be inspired and encouraged to become superheroes as well.
The movies may present fictitious superheroes as product of creativity and ideas, but in our reality, our superheroes already exist among us.

They may live ordinary lives and known by ordinary names, but when we see them as they are and recognize what they do, we will know that they do extraordinary things. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Angelo Lorenzo

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