This Is What The Month Of April Has In Store For You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
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This Is What The Month Of April Has In Store For You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

You feel burnt out and in need of some R&R right about now, Taurus. Take this month to recharge your batteries and work on improving your mental health.



(March 21st to April 19th)

As an Aries, the month of April is looking to be promising and productive. You are eager to take on new projects and learn new things during this time. You feel creative, dedicated, and inspired during. You feel an overwhelming urge to make one of your dreams a reality. You’ve worked long and hard on something that’s special to you, and now is the time to manifest and share what you’ve created with the rest of the universe.


(April 20th to May 21st)

As a Taurus, the month of April will be filled with self-care and working on your health both mentally and physically. You feel burnt out and in need of some R&R right about now, Taurus. Take this month to recharge your batteries and work on improving your mental health. Towards the end of the month, an old friend may reach out. This may be someone who’s caused turmoil and chaos in the past. If the door comes knocking, don’t answer it. Leave the past where it belongs, make peace with it, and let it go.


(May 22nd to June 21st)

As a Gemini, the month of April will bring new faces into your circle. New friendships and relationships are buzzing around you at this time. You are able to easily connect and align your energies with the people you meet, and it feels fantastic. Meeting new people isn’t always your forte, but this month, it certainly is. You feel confident, outgoing, and sociable right now. It’s finally your time to shine, Gemini.


(June 22nd to July 22nd)

As a Cancer, the month of April will be far from boring. You are about to be busier than ever, especially with your career. You might have just got a promotion, or received recognition for a project you’ve been working on. Either way, your career will take up most of your time this month. This gives you an overwhelming sense of anxiety and lack of “me time”, which is something you desperately need. Set aside a couple minutes each day to relax and breathe. Get a pedicure. Go shopping for jeans. Take yourself out for ice cream. You deserve it, Cancer.


(July 23rd to August 22nd)

As a Leo, the month of April is about tying loose ends. Any unfinished business that lingers from the past will be taken care of at this time. You are in a major transition period in your life, and you’re working towards a brand new beginning. You cannot start the new without ending the old, and that’s exactly what you intend to do during this month, Leo. You feel stronger than ever emotionally. The little things no longer bother you because you are far too busy daydreaming about what comes next. It’s about time, Leo. You deserve a new beginning, we all do.


(August 23rd to September 22nd)

As a Virgo, the month of April will be filled with blessings. You feel extremely fortunate to have everyone in your life that you do right now, and you feel compelled to express your gratitude in a big way. Show them how much you appreciate their existence. You are feeling grateful, friendly, and giving during this month. Sometimes giving the gift of love is far more memorable than any gift that money can buy. To be completely honest, sometimes just simply giving someone your time is the greatest gift of all.


(September 23rd to October 22nd)

As a Libra, the month of April will be filled with romance and passion. If you are single, you might meet somebody pretty special this month. Don’t be so quick to push them away. You’ve been hurt in the past, but that’s no reason to fear new love. The past is gone, but the future is filled with endless possibilities. Keep your eyes peeled for that special someone towards the middle of the month. They might catch you completely off guard. Are they the one? Who knows, Libra. But, you’ll never know until you try.


(October 23rd to November 22nd)

As a Scorpio, you feel like making major changes during the month of April. Something just doesn’t feel right, and you can’t put your finger on what it is. It may be a mix of different things, such as your diet, your job, your relationships, your habits or your daily schedule. Something feels off, and it’s time that you get to the bottom of it. Once you’re aware of what the issue is, you’ll be able to fix it. It’s time that you take control of your life again. Hitting rock bottom only makes you stronger. Things can only get better once you allow them to. The comeback is always greater than the setback. And, it’s your comeback season, Scorpio.


(November 23rd to December 21st)

As a Sagittarius, the month of April is a chance for you to overcome your fears. You tend to cling onto the past and hold grudges. It’s time to free yourself from the past, Sagittarius. You don’t live in the past anymore, so quick paying the rent. Don’t let your fears, insecurities or disappointments from the past to block the happiness you are seeking. Once you let go of the past, the happiness you seek will be seeking you.


(December 22nd to January 20th)

As a Capricorn, the past is about to come back to haunt you at some point during this month. Someone or something will resurface, bringing back memories you wish you could forget. You might have thought that those feelings were gone long ago, but the moment they are thrown back to you, you instantly feel the sting again, and this time it’s worse. There’s a chance, that you probably never fully got over something from your past, Capricorn, even though you were convinced that you did. Now, it’s time to make peace with those demons and put them to rest, for good.


(January 21st to February 18th)

As an Aquarius, the month of April is an emotional rollercoaster that never seems to have an end. Your emotions are all over the place right now. You feel weak and helpless. You are used to being strong and thick-skinned, so this is new for you, Aquarius. You are going through a phase of emotional healing. Not everyone can be strong all the time, and that includes you. Feeling weak right now does not make you a weak person. You are strong as ever, you just don’t see it yet.


(February 19th to March 20th)

As a Pisces, the month of April will be a busy one, to say the least. You will be thrown into many creative projects where you’re able to express your artistic side, whether that be through artwork, photography, or writing. You feel more inspired right now than ever before. Manifest that inspiration. Let it guide you to new and exciting ventures. Towards the end of the month, you will be rewarded for all your hard work and dedication. Let yourself be in the spotlight for once and show the rest of the world how talented you really are. Thought Catalog Logo Mark