This Is Your Sneak Peek At The Month Of March, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
For the Aries, the month of March opens with internal confliction and mixed feelings on which direction your life is going.
Andrea Davis
(March 21st to April 19th)
For the Aries, the month of March opens with internal confliction and mixed feelings on which direction your life is going. You feel uncertain and fearful of what the future holds. Signs of a major change have been slowly entering your life at this time, and to be honest, it terrifies the fuck out of you. You are usually open to change within your life, but a part of you fears failure. Aries, you are never going to get what you want from life if you continue to second guess yourself. Go for it. Whatever ‘it’ is. You’ve wanted this for so long. It’s right there, just waiting for you. It’s already yours if you want it.
(April 20th to May 21st)
As a Taurus, March may force you to step away from your comfort zone. You like to feel secure and safe with everything you do in life. Sudden and unexpected changes absolutely terrify you. You want things to stay the same as they’ve always been right now, Taurus. But, things are changing. And they are changing very quickly, so brace yourself for this major shift that’s about to take over your life, for the better.
(May 22nd to June 21st)
As a Gemini, the month of March will be a busy one. You will be involved in several projects and pouring your creativity into every little thing you do. You are thriving in the workplace and you feel motivated as ever. Manifest the positive energy while you can. Your hard work certainly will not go unnoticed. Actually, towards the end of the month, you will be rewarded for your efforts in a big way.
(June 22nd to July 22nd)
As a Cancer, you will view the new month as a clean slate. You’ve been feeling down recently, and as if all your effort and hard work has continued to go unnoticed. It may seem to be this way, Cancer. But, that’s far from the truth. Your efforts are about to shine bright and the outcome will be more than you ever bargained for. Patience will gift you everything you want from life, my friend.
(July 23rd to August 22nd)
For Leo, the month of March is all about romance and connecting with somebody special. You feel insightful and full of life during this time. You want to connect with the one you love on a more personal, in-depth manner. You’re feeling confident and eager to express yourself right now, so go for it. Your lover will follow your lead and share the deepest parts of their soul with you once you open up the ability to be vulnerable again.
(August 23rd to September 22nd)
As a Virgo, your services and logical way of thinking is needed during the beginning half of the month. People are begging for your help and words of wisdom that you so generously share freely. You may feel inclined to help out everyone that you can around you due to your nurturing nature. There’s nothing wrong with helping a friend out in a time of need, but be sure that you’re able to take care of your own needs also. Your mental health is just as important as anyone else’s.
(September 23rd to October 22nd)
As a Libra, the month of March will be far from boring and uneventful. You re being pulled multiple different ways. You want one thing for yourself, but on the other hand, you want something entirely different. You are running in circles and overexerting your brain to complete and utter exhaustion. Relax, Libra. You can attain many different things in life all at once, but you cannot stress yourself out in the process. Let the right things come your way when they’re meant to, and it will be obvious when that happens. Take some time to relax and let things be.
(October 23rd to November 22nd)
As a Scorpio, March seems to get those creative juices flowing. You feel like a kid again, constantly exploring and recreating memories. You want to connect with everyone and everything you possibly can during this time. It is a good time for you to book a trip or take an unplanned drive and see where you end up. You deserve a vacation and what better way to manifest all that positive, creative energy you’ve had lately. Good things are on the horizon.
(November 23rd to December 21st)
As a Sagittarius, the month of March is filled with spiritual healing and recovery. You’ve been all out of sorts lately and it’s about time you straightened things out. Take this time to heal your wounds and forgive the past. The past is holding you back from moving forward with your life, Sagittarius. You hate to admit that you tend to cling onto the darker moments from your past, but your future is looking brighter than ever. Its time to let that shit go.
(December 22nd to January 20th)
The month of March is hectic, overwhelming, and eventful for Capricorn. You tend to take on way too many projects at once, which leads to severe anxiety and lack of mental clarity. It’s taking a huge toll on your health, Capricorn. So, try chilling out for a bit instead of driving yourself insane. You are going to accomplish incredible things, but you cannot do so if you aren’t working towards being your very best self in the meantime. Everyone needs a break sometimes, and that certainly includes you too.
(January 21st to February 18th)
For an Aquarius, the month of March is a good time for some much-needed self-reflection. Life has been a bit chaotic lately. It’s been a while since you’ve taken the time to really connect with yourself internally. You’re more focused on helping others, which is something you’re incredible at. It’s time to work on your own underlying issues, Aquarius. Your inner peace relies on it. Learning to genuinely love yourself and listen to what your mind and heart have to tell you is essential in genuinely being happy. You deserve the happiness you’re constantly pouring into to everybody else.
(February 19th to March 20th)
For the Pisces, this month will be filled with nothing but happy moments. You feel in touch with yourself spiritually and emotionally. Nothing can stop you now. You radiate confidence and it does not go unnoticed. You’re the star of the show right now, Pisces, so go with it. Remain humble, but use this positive energy to show the rest of the world what you’re capable of. This is your month.