A Sneak Peek At What June Will Be Like For You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign


(March 21st to April 19th)

As an Aries, you are well aware that you are going through major life changes at the moment. Things are shifting, and your life is slowly but surely taking a major turn. You have put a lot of effort into bettering yourself, and it’s time that those efforts shine brightly. This month is the time for you to look back and reflect on that time. You will begin to feel proud and fulfilled with everything you’ve accomplished in such a short amount of time. You may feel like your best isn’t good enough from time to time, but trying beats the hell out of doing nothing. Remember that, Aries. June is your month to let your light shine.


(April 20th to May 21st)

As a Taurus, the month of June will be all about adventure and wanderlust. You have an itch to go out and explore new places and meet new people. You feel restricted by your everyday life routine and it’s starting to bore you. You want to break the routine but don’t know how to without completely altering everything about your life. You can balance an adventurous, fulfilled life and still maintain some sort of structure, Taurus. You are not stuck in one place. Roam as you wish to, and explore unfamiliar territory, because it holds many valuable lessons that you may need to pay more attention to. 


(May 22nd to June 21st)

Happy Birthday to you, Gemini! This month will be a great adventure for you. You will feel thing deeply, and passionately. June will be a month of balance and re-grouping certain aspects of your life. You will feel focused and ready to tackle anything that is thrown your way. June is also a month to step out of your comfort zone and break out of your shell. Live a little. Take a risk, and don’t fear the fall, Gemini. Put aside your daily responsibilities from time to time and just focus on having fun in the moment. That’s what life is all about, right?


(June 22nd to July 22nd)

As a Cancer, you may be feeling under the weather (mentally) as well as physically. You want to make drastic changes in order to feel your very best but aren’t sure how to go about doing so. You might feel like you’re stuck in a bit of a rut, unsure what direction to take. The month of June might not give you all the answers you’re seeking, but it will show you what it is you don’t want to remain apart of your life.


(July 23rd to August 22nd)

As a Leo, June will be a month filled with love and passion. It could be through romantic relationships, friendships, or an artistic passion that urges you to create. This intensity may overwhelm you at first because you aren’t used to feeling so many soft emotions at once, but it is a good thing to feel things, Leo. Let your guard down. Be soft. The feelings that you have now are sending you in a new direction in your life that you will be able to enjoy once you arrive there.


(August 23rd to September 22nd)

As a Virgo, June is a month to assess your priorities and goals. What’s most important to you? What do you hope to accomplish in life? This month will be a month of reflection and manifestation from within. You will feel spiritual on a new level and you will be all about balancing your energy correctly. Don’t fault yourself if things don’t go your way though, Virgo. Be kind to yourself. Even when you mess up and make a mistake. Learn how to learn from those mistakes, instead.


(September 23rd to October 22nd)

As a Libra, June will be an inspiring month for you. You will focus on finding inspiration and unlocking the answers to your deepest life questions. You will be highly intuitive, and in touch with your emotions. Lately, things have been a bit dicey or spacey for you. You have so many questions that are still unanswered, and that bothers you very much. Libra, you will find the answers that you seek when they are meant to come to you. Relax. You are under no obligation or rush to have every little thing figured out in life. The right things and right answers will find you when you’re ready for them to. 


(October 23rd to November 22nd)

As a Scorpio, June is all about fresh starts. You want to kick off the month with a blank slate, and want to keep yourself open to as many opportunities as you possibly can. You will make major changes on the home front, within your personal relationships, and your career. It’s time to weed out the dead ends, Scorpio. It’s been a long time coming. You are ready and eager to make positive and beneficial changes to make your life even better than it already is. And the outcome will be nothing short of bittersweet. Embrace it. Happy days are on their way.


(November 23rd to December 21st)

As a Sagittarius, this month presents you with an opportunity to get rid of any thoughts that might block your positivity and self-confidence. You are going through some major internal changes in your life right now, and it’s all about how you decide to welcome these approaching changes. Realize that change is a great thing, Sagittarius. You will experience several life-altering changes in your life and now is the time to embrace them with open arms. This month might have you feeling a bit nostalgic of the past, but life goes on. Friends come and go and nothing can truly last forever. Remember that. Take the memories you have from the past and move on.


(December 22nd to January 20th)

As a Capricorn, June is a time to focus on taking responsibility for you and your actions. Stop focusing on what others want from you, and start focusing on what’s best for you. Make choices based on what you want, not what they want. You have a tendency to be a “people pleaser” at times and sometimes it causes problems for you. Be mindful, but don’t be a pushover. You are not responsible for anybody else’s happiness other than your own. And, if you can make someone else happy in the process, that’s just great.


(January 21st to February 18th)

As an Aquarius, June will be filled with passion and creativity. You will focus on yourself and your own needs. Nurture yourself. You deserve it. You are also in the midst of an emotional breakthrough, Aquarius. A possible summer romance is in the cards for you, so don’t be surprised when someone comes and sweeps you right off your feet. Let it happen. Don’t resist this person, because they may be the one. Open your heart up and wear it on your sleeve for once. You’ll be happy that you did.


(February 19th to March 20th)

As a Pisces, the month of June will be far from boring. This month you will feel inclined to make some sort of major transformation in your life. It may be your style, your attitude, your relationships, your career, etc. You are starting to see things through a different sense, Pisces. You are learning valuable and important life lessons through experiences you’ve been through. You are collecting all the lessons you’ve obtained and finally putting them to good use. You are starting to see the silver lining and the light at the end of the tunnel. Things are finally looking up for you, so be ready for it! Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Andrea Davis

Writer, photographer, adventurer.