A Sneak Peak At How Your February Will Go, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Cancer: At the start of the month, you will be tossed into a big pit of emotional turmoil. It might really overwhelm or frighten you. But don't worry, this won’t last for long.
Andrea Davis

March 21st – April 19th
February is sizing up to be a extraordinary month for you, Aries. You will feel like a winner and your confidence will reflect that. The first couple days of February may require you to take some big risks, but you’ll be glad that you did. You have been on a mission to achieve a long-lived goal for quite some time now. And now, it’s your time to shine. You will feel as if you’ve finally reached a place of success you never thought you’d be able to get to. Be proud of your accomplishments, and keep working hard. This month will be excellent for your career and financial situation.
April 20th – May 20th
As a Taurus, February will be a month filled with meditation and spiritual healing. At the start of the month, you may feel easily irritated or bothered by your peers, which might result in spending most of your free time solo. Which is totally OK. It’s actually very healthy and necessary. This month, make sure to take some “me” time to just chill out and focus on yourself. Everyone will still be there next month. Take a breather in February. Focus on you.
May 21st – June 20th
As a Gemini, February promises to be a spectacular month filled with good times. You are going to prove yourself to be highly intelligent and resourceful this month, so don’t be surprised if you dazzle everyone with your wit at the start of the month. Mid month, you may be presented with a choice you must make, and you might have to make this decision rather quickly. So be sure to open up about what you really want. Don’t lie to yourself, and make sure your choices reflect how you really feel inside. You’ll thank yourself later down the road.
June 21st – July 22nd
At the start of the month, you will be tossed into a big pit of emotional turmoil. It might really overwhelm or frighten you. But don’t worry, this won’t last for long. The second half of February actually proves to be a very happy, peaceful time for you. And come mid-month, you will start by removing all the toxicity from your life. It will feel incredible too. So always trust your gut, and allow your feelings to spill out, you’ll feel so much better afterwards!
July 23rd – August 22nd
As a Leo, your ego has typically been a major issue in most of your personal relationships. This month, you and your ego may be at odds. So now might be a good time to check in with yourself and reevaluate the way you present yourself to others. It’s important to remind yourself that your ego doesn’t always know what’s best for you. And if you continue to let your ego take over, you’ll push people away. This is also a month of learning new things, exploring new places , and discovering new things about yourself you didn’t see before. The month promises to be great for you, Leo!
August 23rd – September 22nd
As a Virgo, February is a month of new and exciting things. You will be thrown several unexpected curves at the beginning of the month. And you might not know exactly what to do with these curves. Embrace them. Utilize them. Don’t fear what is coming next, instead start focusing on the present. You will benefit from these exciting surprises once you allow yourself to embrace the unknown.
September 23rd – October 22nd
As a Libra, the month of February is shaping up to be an incredible one! You will experience romance, happiness, sadness, all in one month. Your emotions may be all over the place, but in a good way. So try not to take life too seriously right now, or get too wrapped up in “what it all means” because again, life should be a fun adventure. Quit trying to make sense of it all, and just go with how you feel for once. You will feel confident and ready to mingle by mid-month. So show off what you’ve got! You’re feeling hot, and everyone around you thinks so too.
October 23rd – November 21st
This month is going to be all about dealing with underlying issues, Scorpio. But, the good news is that you’ve always been excellent at finding answers to even the most difficult of questions. Your home life or romance may be at an odds during the first half of the mont, leaving you feeling hopeless at times. Push through this difficult time, because better days are on the way. Start voicing your opinion rather than bottling it up inside. Hash out anything you’ve been avoiding with your loved ones. You both will feel relieved and happy to realize that you both are on the same page.
November 22nd – December 21st
As February kicks off, you feel on top of the world, Sagittarius. And people are surely going to notice. You are feeling extremely confident in your skin, and it doesn’t go unnoticed. Your charm is at an all time high, so take advantage of it! Also, you will have the extreme urge to start exploring new and unfamiliar places and look at life from a different perspective. The end of the month promises some good news, so get ready to celebrate. This is your month to shine, Sagittarius!
December 22nd – January 19th
As a Capricorn, February will be anything but uneventful. Mid month, you might see someone in an entirely new light, and it might even be someone you looked up to. Your feelings towards that person may change entirely, so trust your gut on this one. Steer clear of any flaky types who try and hold you back. You will feel much better when you rid yourself from these distractions. A massive weight will be taken off your shoulders. This month is all about letting go of fixed plans, just focusing on the here and now. Work on being present, Capricorn.
January 20th – February 18th
As an Aquarius, you’re about to blow your own damn mind this month. You’re going to be pretty amazed by the creativity of your ideas on the first days of the month. February will be a month in which your mind is running wild. You will have so many new ideas and thoughts so it’s best you write them down so you won’t forget any of them. You might overwhelm yourself with all these ideas, but trust that they are taking you somewhere amazing. Be patient. You will be all about business this month which leaves little time for play. Try to balance your work and fun load so that you have time to spend laughing and doing the things you love to do! It’s all about balance, Aquarius!
February 19th – March 20th
February looks as it will be a month full of romance for the Pisces. Whether you already have a significant other, or you have your sights on someone special, this month will be full of romance. Make time to show that special someone how much you care for them and how much they truly mean to you. This month allows you to let go of all the pent up stress that your career has been giving you lately, and all this romance will calm you down. You’ve been so focused on your career, but it’s time to relax and focus on a different side of life for a bit.