Andrea Davis

Writer + published author
Articles by
Andrea Davis
How Introverts See The World Differently (And Why It’s A Superpower)
What people fail to realize is that being an introvert isn’t black and white.
Here’s The Reason Why You Should Date Your Polar Opposite Zodiac Sign
Could the cliche that opposites attract have some truth to it after all?
This Is What The Month Of April Has In Store For You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
You feel burnt out and in need of some R&R right about now, Taurus. Take this month to recharge your batteries and work on improving your mental health.
This Is Your Sneak Peek At The Month Of March, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
For the Aries, the month of March opens with internal confliction and mixed feelings on which direction your life is going.
This Is What To Expect From The New Year, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Excitement and celebration are surrounding you right now, so enjoy the party!
27 Lessons I Have Learned From Every Single Breakup And Breakdown
Never, ever ignore or deny your gut instinct. Your intuition will never, ever lead you astray.
A Sneak Peek At The Month Of November, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Scorpio: In November you will want to confront some things from the past that you may have not gotten entirely over. You will want to put these demons to rest so that they don’t haunt you down the road.
A Sneak Peek At What October Has In Store For You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Aries: This month is filled with big, positive changes. So, be ready for them.
What To Expect In The Month Of September, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
The month of September is a lively, happy time for you, Pisces. You are creative, confident, and radiant at this time.
The Most Annoying Thing You Do When You’re In Love, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Gemini, if you keep pushing people away in order to maintain your independence, you’ll wind up lonely and alone.
This Is What Kind Of Encouragement You Need For The End Of Summer, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Libra: You are someone who takes pride in your relationships and friendships. So, take a moment and ask yourself this. Are these people adding a positive energy to your life?
How Each Zodiac Sign Knows They’ve Finally Found ‘The One’
A Cancer will know when they have finally found the one because they will feel appreciated by them.
What To Expect For The Month Of August, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
It’s finally your time to be unapologetically happy. And, happy sure does look good on you, Taurus.
Exactly How To Make Your Crush Fall For You Based On Their Zodiac Sign
Scorpio, use your passion to reel in your crush!
This Is The Darkest Thing About You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Capricorns are known for having a negative outlook on most things
Sensitive, Touchy, And Passionate: 27 Facts About Pisces
Pisces may be friendly and kind, but they won’t allow just anyone get super close to them right away.
14 Things Everyone Needs To Know About The Capricorn In Their Life
Capricorns are ambitious and hardworking.
A Sneak Peek At What July Has In Store For You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
You may have left any thought of a relationship on the back burner over the last few months, Cancer. But this month, it’s time for you to change that.