Choose To Recover, Choose To Heal

Allow yourself to drown in the hopeful possibility that you will get better.


Find yourself in a predicament. Maybe of your creation or maybe of someone else’s infliction. Maybe it’s no one’s fault. Maybe it’s just the cruelty of the universe. Maybe it’s the alignment of the stars. Maybe it was your cursed fate. The origins are uncertain but the pain is well known. The predicament hurts, the difficulty is overbearing and the dilemma is suffocating.

What is this exact predicament? The details are complicated and cumbersome. Their relevancy is questionable. Their contribution ceased at their initial existence. We do not need to know what led you to this conflicting point. Your next steps are not contingent on what has happened. Your next steps can be simplified into a single choice.

You’re standing in the crossroads. One sign tells you to continue down the path you just traveled on. Choose this path and you choose further instability. Choose this path and you choose endless potholes and unpaved roads. Choose this path and you are marked by an eternal struggle. Choose this path and you will be confined and subjected to the very chains that overwhelm you today.

Don’t dwell in the particulars. Don’t drown in the specifics. Don’t allow yourself to be victimized by the nostalgia. The past was never meant to be resurrected.

Let it go. Let go of whatever and whoever hurt you. Wipe away the tears and forgo the anger. Detach yourself from the sources of your pain. Don’t let your mind wander, don’t let the memories haunt you. Eclipse their arrival and cease such anguish in this instance.

You’re standing in the crossroads. One sign tells you to continue down the path you just traveled on but the other path is novel. Choose this path and you choose stability. Choose this path and you choose paved roads. Choose this path and you are marked by eternal freedom. Choose this path and you will finally be free from the chains that overwhelm you.

Allow yourself to dwell in this possibility, in this possibility that you can and will rebuild. Allow yourself to drown in the hopeful possibility that you will get better. Allow yourself to be treated right by the expectant optimism of the unwritten. The future is yours to discover.

Make the single decision to rectify your story from one of pain and suffering to one of resurrection. Take the powerful step forward. The exact stages will come to you in time. Right now, just make the commitment to yourself. Oblige yourself to salvation. Repeat this pledge to yourself over and over. I choose to recover, I choose to heal and watch yourself rise from the ashes and blossom into a resilient emblem. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Aman Basra

I have thematic discussions with my inanimate monkey.

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