What Marvel Super Hero Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Aries – Iron Man
As the spearheading sign of the zodiac, Aries would be no other than Iron Man (Tony Stark). Aries are bold, natural leaders and pioneers. Like Tony, they are confident and not afraid to take risks, while also having a soft spot for those they care about.
Taurus – Thor
Thor, the god of thunder, is known for his loyalty, strength, and determination, which also describes you, Taurus. They have an unwavering sense of duty and a strong presence, commanding the attention of a room, as Thor does. They are both are also fiercely protective of those you care about, making Thor the ideal Taurus.
Gemini – Spider-Man
Like the friendly neighborhood spider-man, Geminis possess a playful nature and a knack for thinking on their feet. Peter Parker (Spider-man) is intelligent, witty, and he can be chatty when he captures the villains in his stories, making him a perfect example of a Gemini.
Cancer – Captain America
Similar to Steve Rogers (Captain America), Cancers are nurtuing, compassionate, and deeply devoted to their friends and loved ones. They possess a strong sense of justice and integrity. Captain America is also nostalgic, holding on to old memories and loved ones which eventually changes the course of his life.
Leo – Black Panther
Lions and panthers, the perfect pair. T’Challa (Black Panther) is fearless and brave, which is a main characteristic of a Leo. They both exude a strong sense of pride and a noble spirit. Also, they’re both charismatic and highly likable.
Virgo – Black Widow
Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow), like Virgos, is known for her intelligence, attention to detail, and resourcefulness. They are both strategic, analytical, and skilled at adapting to any situation. They harness a keen intellect and a strong sense of duty, and are fiercely loyal to your friends and loved ones.
Libra – Doctor Strange
This one might be the most obvious, as Stephen Strange (Doctor Strange) understands the need for balance in all these, like Libras do. Like Doctor Strange, they are wise, diplomatic, and skilled at finding harmony in the midst of chaos. They also have a strong sense of morality and a deep understanding of the universe.
Scorpio – Wolverine
Scorpios are known for their intensity and and determination, which could also be used to describe Logan (Wolverine). They both have a deep well of inner strength and a strong sense of survival instinct. They are also both independent, and unafraid to confront their enemies head-on.
Sagittarius – Star Lord
Peter Quill (Star Lord) has an adventurous spirit, a good sense of humor, and is always optimistic, making him a prime example of a Sagittarius. They both possess a free-spirited nature and a love of exploration, and can make friends easily.
Capricorn – Professor X
Charles Xavier (Professor X), is often portrayed as a wise, disciplined, and strategic, just like a Capricorn. Professor X’s commitment to his cause, despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, reflects the determination often associated with Capricorns. He is a strategic thinker and problem solver.
Aquarius – Vision
LIke an Aquarius, Vision is incredibly independent and is fine being alone. They are both notorious for their intelligence and innovation. Like Vision, Aquarians are highly intelligent, visionary, and committed to making the world a better place.
Pisces – Scarlet Witch
Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Wtich) is known for her intuition, creativity, and passion, just like a Pisces. Like Scarlet Witch, they are empathetic, imaginative, and deeply connected to their emotions. They are both mystical and have a whimsical sense about them, while also being deeply passionate.