Alex Alexander
Articles by
Alex Alexander
I’m A Married Woman Who Had An Affair And This Is What It Taught Me
After five years of marriage and a vivacious three-year-old son, I felt my life — what was left — slipping out of my grasp. I wanted and needed to grab onto something … someone that would help me feel like my “old” self.
Ladies, Chill Out. Here’s 10 Relationship ‘Dealbreakers’ That Aren’t Really All That Bad.
Age gap? Are you serious?
9 Things About Yourself You Need To Openly Admit To Your Partner To Have A Happy Relationship
When you’re getting serious with someone, there are certain things you need to know about them—partially to assess compatibility, and partially because communication, openness and trust are foundations of a healthy relationship.
Here’s How You Know The Man You’re In Love With Is A Little Bitch
He’s sooooo sweet and sooooo emotional and sooooo willing to bend-over-backwards for you. He’s the perfect guy, right? No, he’s a little bitch and you need to dispose of him immediately before the power dynamic becomes so off-kilter you’re practically begging him to dump you.
5 Really Weird (But Totally Normal) Things Couples Do When They’re In Love
I thought it would be a good idea to remind you all that love really is the reason for the season.
15 Clear Signs You And Your Partner Are Meant To Be Together
Deciding if you can commit to someone is a deeply personal determination, and everyone has different criteria. As in any verdict, you have to start by assessing the evidence.