20 One-Sentence Resolutions Anyone Can Make For 2020
1. I will make my health and wellness a priority.
2. I will not be bothered by petty things and solely focus on my goals and my growth.
3. I will work on improving my personal relationships with other people, including that of myself, which is the most important.
4. I ought to prioritize myself, my mental health and cater to my own needs before catering to other people’s.
5. I will keep myself hydrated and make drinking water a habit.
6. I will take nothing personally because I am aware that other people’s actions and behavior have nothing to do with me.
7. I will dance and sing my heart out more often to just live, be present, and release unwanted energy.
8. I will be more understanding, forgiving and compassionate.
9. I will continue practicing the art of letting go of anything and everything that do not serve my higher being in order to make space for new things and new beginnings that are really meant for me.
10. I will stay true and authentic to myself even if that means being disliked or understood by those around me.
11. I will continue to love fiercely, feel deeply and live fully.
12. I will start taking the essential steps to make my dreams a reality, no matter what and how long it takes.
13. I will consume less meat and have more real, raw, organic food.
14. I will open my heart more and let myself be vulnerable because there is so much beauty in being real and open.
15. I will explain myself less.
16. I will monitor and control my spending.
17. I will spend more time in nature and connect with Mother Earth.
18. I will omit plastic from my daily use.
19. I will spend more time and money on non-material things and experiences.
20. In 2020, I am choosing love over fear and am including love in all things that I do, for that’s what we are truly here for.