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What Each Zodiac Sign Can Expect From The Full Moon In Sagittarius


The Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 26th, 2021 will provide us with periods of optimism that can be good for us, but we also need to be mindful of our own limits during this transit because we might be more inclined to “overdo” the activities that make us feel good. This energy can be felt a few weeks as well as a few months from now. Overall, it can feel like a healing transit as we let go of what has caused us pain and move onto greener pastures.

Aries – There’s an awakening for you during this transit, as you will feel more compelled to reach out to mentors or just be more in tune with your spiritual sides. This is your time to also prepare to learn something new and of value that will contribute to your growth.

Taurus – All of the tougher and more challenging moments you have felt will now feel a little more bearable. Connecting with your spiritual side will be like a light at the end of the tunnel. This is your moment to heal.

Gemini – With this transit happening in your house of partnerships, you are going to feel a lot more confident now with starting new beginnings. The Full Moon will make you more comfortable with breaking free from the friendships and romantic partnerships that are no longer working for you.

Cancer – Sagittarius energy here will allow you to expand on your plans for work. If you have felt tension with colleagues or fellow classmates, you will feel wiser and braver to address things with them. Expect to stand out if you do manage to collaborate with others.

Leo – It’s quite the fun time with this transit, as you will be able to connect and meet with others, especially if you have felt a little like a hermit lately. Expect to take center stage and socialize a lot more during the next few months.

Virgo – This cycle is going to impact your home environment and will bring a lot of that peaceful energy you have dreamt of. The healing now that the Full Moon provides, thanks to Jupiter, might make everyone feel more optimistic around you.

Libra – Appreciate that this transit will make you braver with your communication style. You are ready to address what is on your mind as you feel a rush of energy flowing through you.

Scorpio – You can expect a nice change to your finances, thanks to this transit. Jupiter will be providing your sign with that confidence boost and the Full Moon will feel it too. You are also going to have better relationships with the women in your life.

Sagittarius – A culmination to a cycle that began six months ago, you have gone through your transformation and now you are owning your new persona. Get ready to explore and allow the world to fall for this new version of you.

Capricorn – During this transit, you are going to feel a cycle revolving your memories begin to close. You may come to terms with things that have haunted you and are now ready to move forward and date once again.

Aquarius – One of the major cycles that will be impacted for you will revolve around the theme of friendships. Make sure to address any conflicts you might have.

Pisces – The Full Moon in Sagittarius is a reminder of your goals. This is a period of reflection for you as you analyze whether you are currently in the position that you have been aiming for. This is your time to continue and pursue your goals.