woman holding string lights in dark room

What Each Zodiac Sign Can Expect From 2021’s New Moon In Taurus

New Moon in Taurus is on May 11 and we will all continue to feel the effects for the next six months. This is a moon that will allow us to focus on transformation as well as our own sense of comfort and stability. The Moon will make a nice sextile to Neptune and a trine to Pluto. Although it is not a close orb, this energy is still motivating us to make changes and evolve. Relationships now will be strengthened due to the influence of Pluto. We will seek harmony thanks to Neptune, and we will be driven for success because Taurus expresses the need for the best in order to achieve stability. This is a Moon of calm, creative energy, and love, since it is ruled by Venus.

Aries – A focus on your financial goals will take center stage. The New Moon serves as a reminder that you can achieve many things now if you put in the work and focus. Expect to see a transformation with your relationship to money thanks to Pluto’s influence on your house of career.

Taurus – A change either in your appearance and outlook that will take effect now until November. You are in a stage of metamorphosis, since the inception of this Saturn in Aquarius transit. Be prepared to take flight, and even if the Uranus transit might be overwhelming, try not to be afraid of change.

Gemini – Recharge during this transit because this month will be filled with a lot of activity. You are going to be engaging with a lot of people socially. During this New Moon, plan ahead for your New Moon next month. Set your sights on the major changes you want to see. Visualize.

Cancer – Rewards will make their way toward you during this New Moon transit. Mars in your sign is fueling your drive and will to achieve. The hard work and effort you have been putting into everything this year will show you that you can achieve anything.

Leo – Success will be on your mind during this New Moon transit. Patience and hope are on your mind. Taurus energy has us focused on financial success and stability, and this is what you will be manifesting.

Virgo – Get ready to feel sparks during this New Moon transit as you feel enlightenment. This is your moment to prepare for the next several months. Where do you see yourself? What steps will you take to improve your solidity? Career matters play a role now as you think ahead and put plans to motion.

Libra – This energy will have you contemplating how to find courage when you are not feeling your best. This New Moon might rock your world temporarily. You might notice the changes you need to make now in order to transform. Focus on you now.

Scorpio – New relationships might begin after this transit. You will first need to remember what it is that your heart desires and what qualities you are seeking in a partner. Find yourself during this transit to attain clarity.

Sagittarius – There will be big changes in the work front, since the energy of this New Moon will have you busier than usual. Making plans and being prepared will be your greatest tools. This is a great time to use a planner or find methods to be more organized.

Capricorn – The beginnings of your spring and summer romantic seasons are here. This New Moon is a reminder to have fun, do not be afraid of rejection, and to open your heart. Be wise in your dating process but try not to be pessimistic.

Aquarius – You’ll find magic at home with this transit. The Moon makes a nice sextile to Neptune, bringing calm and serenity. Your creative energies will be flourishing during this transit. You might even get the urge to cook, since Taurus energy will have you more enamored with foods. Try and have fun.

Pisces – The perfect time to start something meaningful, because if you work on it beginning now, you can see a good outcome in the next six months. If you have considered starting a blog or a new creative journey, this New Moon will push you to do it, especially since Neptune has your back.

About the author

A.T. Nunez

Love astrology and wasting hours writing things I can’t finish.