woman sitting near pink flowers at daytime

Here’s What Each Zodiac Sign Can Expect From 2021’s Venus In Taurus

Venus enters the sign of Taurus on April 14th and will remain until May 8th. We can expect a lot of abundance and love during this time, since Venus enjoys being in the sign of Taurus. However, as the transit progresses, Venus will face some squares from Saturn and an interesting conjunction with Uranus. Nevertheless, Venus will be able to have some time to shine, and it will show us new ways to value ourselves, those around us, and the possessions we covet or own.

Aries – As Taurus season gets ready to enter, your priorities will be shifting on ways to generate more income. You are feeling the excess energy from all of these planets in Aries, learning new ways to channel your focus and build on more. This would be the perfect time to save and not impulsively spend.

Taurus – This transit sparks a new period for many Taurus folks as we prepare for your season. Venus in your sign gives us a new way of expressing our love as it is at a much slower pace than that of Aries. You love to experience new things and relish in whatever brings you joy. This transit will be the awakening you needed in a long time, as it allows you to see the beauty you have within.

Gemini – With Venus just one sign away from yours, you can use this opportunity to focus on what you need right now. If you feel burned out, this will be a recuperating and recharging period. You get your priorities in order and will feel more energized once this transit is over.

Cancer – You are going to enjoy this transit as Venus allows you to reconnect with friends. This upcoming New Moon in Aries might have been quite intense so it makes sense you will feel the comfort from friends and family for the next several weeks. Venus builds your confidence and gives you inspiration as well.

Leo – A favorable transit as Venus has everyone looking in your direction. You have grace, courage and are feeling beautiful during this transit. Venus might make reaching a truce quite easy with complicated people, and it will also give you the grounding energy you might have been searching for.

Virgo – Venus in fellow Earth sign Taurus allows you to shine in your own way after these Aries transits. The lesson you learned can be applied now, as Venus brings confidence and luck to you during this four-week transit. Seek the help from mentors, as you might need a bit of guidance during this time.

Libra – With Venus in domicile, you are feeling quite good. You can traverse whatever obstacles are in your way with patience and grace. As a sign that is ruled by Venus, you will see the positive flows of energy more than others. Prepare for a period of learning and understanding until May.

Scorpio – It will be a battlefield with Venus opposing your sign and Saturn squaring. You have insight; you are learning about your force and power. With Venus in Taurus, you will be more aware of what your partners have to offer and what you are willing to tolerate in a relationship, especially during the square with Saturn. For those who are single, this can be a time to meet new people, potential romantic partners, or just reconnecting with friends.

Sagittarius – Venus will make you feel slightly more motivated with tackling your mundane tasks. This can be a time where you focus on beautifying yourself and your environment. You are going to feel inspired and motivated to make changes and simplify some activities.

Capricorn – Romance is in the air with this Venus transit reminding you to have some fun and live. Venus gives you a spark of energy and confidence to meet new people or to declare your feelings to a crush. Things can get intense with Venus squaring Saturn, making you want to run from the dating scene, but you will still have fun through it all.

Aquarius – With Venus in Taurus, you are going to feel calm and relaxed around people for a bit until Saturn squares Venus. While it could feel tense during that time, you are going to learn a lot about your relationships with others. Diplomacy will be your best option during this time. Venus also inspires your creative side; you expect some small décor changes during this transit.

Pisces – You will have a way with words as Venus creates a beautiful sextile with your sign. Get the pen and paper ready, since you are going to be inspired and more romantic. A focus on relationships here has you feeling nostalgic. Just do not try and rekindle something with someone from the past, since the square with Saturn will make it frustrating if you try to make things work.

About the author

A.T. Nunez

Love astrology and wasting hours writing things I can’t finish.