woman in gray cardigan standing near trees during daytime

Here’s What Each Zodiac Sign Can Expect From Mars In Taurus

After six months in the sign of Aries, Mars will be entering the sign of Taurus on January 6th, 2021 until March 3rd, 2021. This will be a great shift for all of us, but there will still be some challenges, since Mars will be squaring off with Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury. Either way, this change is needed, and it promotes growth. When the square gets to us, it is best to take things easier and to pace ourselves. This is a transitional year from the Cardinal to Fixed energy, and this month gives us a dose of what changes we need to make in order to get closer to achieving success.

Aries – After experiencing your ruler in your sign for the last six months, you are going to be happy to see that Mars will be moving to Taurus now. You will be working hard for your money, so make sure not to splurge or overspend. Finding practical ways to grow your finances will be beneficial for you this transit.

Taurus – Mars in your sign is a good way to get motivated and to reach for the stars. This transit will be inspirational for you, allowing you to start, finish, or expand those projects. It will be a great opportunity for growth and success as long as you believe in what you create.

Gemini – During this transit, you will need to focus on meditation. A good way to lift your spirits up when you are feeling stressed is to take a break from the world. Mars in Taurus will have you soul searching, and there is a need to recharge or reset.

Cancer – You have a trusted friend circle that will allow you to push yourself to the next level. Any fears you have will be abandoned during this transit because you are ready to face the quest. Some of the challenges you faced during the Mars in Aries transit will be echoed.

Leo – One of the good things with this transit will be the lessons you learned during the Saturn in Capricorn transit. You put in all the work for the last two years and now Mars in Taurus has you completing and receiving the recognition you have been waiting for. This is a good transit as long as you stay patient, since Mars will be squaring your sign.

Virgo – Having an Earthy Mars will prove to be fun during this transit. Expect some expansive energy and a chance to meet some interesting and like-minded people. You are going through a transition phase now, finding your own source of power. Those you meet now will make you feel optimistic about yourself and the future.

Libra – When Mars was in your sister sign, Aries, it could have had you in a contemplative mode, especially when this planet was retrograde. This transit was opposing your sign, reflecting your psyche, and showing your immediate situation. Mars in Taurus has you making changes, viewing your own value system, and encouraging growth that will be more permanent. Look inside during this transit and be brave.

Scorpio – Mars is going to bring some challenges to how you deal with your relationships, but it will also give you the fortitude to express clearly what you want and need. You are going to make an investment in you during this transit. Use this empowerment now to start some new projects, since solid friends or business partners could appear to motivate you.

Sagittarius – Slow down during this Mars transit, since there will be a great focus on your routine as well as how you approach your duties. This is a time of evaluation and patience. It can also be a time of release. Try and remember to put your needs first, especially if you are feeling exhaustion. Mars here wants you to succeed, but you have to understand your limits.

Capricorn – Your social life will have a little boost, and your dating life will be much more interesting with Mars entering the sign of Taurus. You are moving into more exciting territory now and will even set your sights on someone that can feel surreal and out of this world.

Aquarius – There will be grounding in this transit with Mars moving into earthy Taurus. You are going to feel creative energy fuel you. During Mars in Taurus, it is a perfect time to be calm and cool when dealing with authority figures. This is a period of restraint and making sure not to overextend yourself.

Pisces – Inspirational is a theme with this Mars in Taurus transit. Things just flow easier for you in the creative realm. Others might feel a little spiritual enlightenment and might even pursue learning things regarding the metaphysical or the occult. Mars here challenges your beliefs and has you excited to learn and explore more.

About the author

A.T. Nunez

Love astrology and wasting hours writing things I can’t finish.