woman in blue denim jacket and red knit cap standing on snow covered ground during daytime

Here’s What Each Zodiac Sign Can Expect From The Full Moon In Cancer

We close out the year with the Full Moon in Cancer on December 29th, 2020. Although this Full Moon will be making a square to Chiron, it will push us to face our fears and begin the healing process, something that will mark the year 2021. Cancer represents compassion and healing; a big shift from the Capricorn energy we faced throughout the year. For most of 2020, we were pushed to our limits and taught harsh lessons. With this Full Moon, we begin with curative energy and a source of empowerment after feeling the blows of this current year. This Full Moon will allow us to let go by allowing our emotions to reveal themselves, especially for those who have suppressed them. We are no longer under the authoritarian rule of Capricorn planets, we have faced each obstacle presented by the Saturn in Capricorn transit and are now ready to go through a new path. Remember to abandon anxious thoughts and be receptive to healing our wounds during this transit. It will strengthen and prepare us for 2021.

Aries – This will be a transit that has you back to basics. With Mars, your ruler, still in your sign, you are going to feel the conflicting energies at home as well as work. However, you have been through this dance before so now with this transit you are stronger and wiser. The effort and hard work you have done in the last six months will provide you with new blessings and recognition. Remember to be patient and surround yourself by the loving people in your life.

Taurus – There was a lot of growth beginning this summer and now you are seeing the fruits of your labor. Your creative instincts kicked in and you were more social. This year has been one where you stepped out of your comfort zone, where you experienced ups and downs. But the lessons you learned will be essential for the road ahead. The value of networking comes to view during this transit, as it will push you and make you feel more inspired.

Gemini – With a lot of fluctuations this year, you were in a state of evaluation with who you are and what you had to offer. The Saturn transit had you contemplating your place and now you feel like you have more confidence and self-awareness. Continue to believe in yourself because your hard work has allowed you to impress others.

Cancer – This Full Moon in your sign is an epic point for you this year. You can easily look back to where you were in the beginning of the year and how far you have come. There has been a lot of growth for cardinal placements as you all have learned to fight more for what you want and have excelled during moments of pressures. You are generally unstoppable now as you prepare for your next chapter.

Leo – Just in time for the holidays, this Full Moon will have you seeking the comforts of home as you feel your stresses just melting away, as the upcoming transit is going to inspire you to take time for you. Congratulate yourself and all you have accomplished in 2020. Like the rest of us, you will be contemplating and making moves for 2021. You are putting your game face on as you plan for greater things next year.

Virgo – Similar as Leo, you are going to really benefit from the support and love you receive from friends and family during this transit. You have had an interesting year, but it all seemed hectic and filled with surprises, something that might have made you a little apprehensive. With the Saturn shift in Aquarius this month, you are getting back to basics as you get ready for more structure in your life and this moon gives you the guidance and support from others.

Libra – As a sign that can pretty much handle anything with grace and confidence, this Full Moon has you in your element. You are being recognized for what you have accomplished, so pat yourself in the back. There will be people who critique or have tried to keep you down, but you have persevered. As Saturn finally exits Capricorn, you begin to initiate a new era of confidence, joy, and prosperity. Stay classy and fun.

Scorpio – A Full Moon in fellow water sign is only a recipe for fun and excitement, since you are the master of handling these energies. You will feel compelled to dive in and investigate, learn, and just explore things you are interested in. This can be an awakening transit for you as you become more receptive to the things you have been extremely curious about.

Sagittarius – The upcoming Full Moon will feel rough for you as it brings up the opportunity to face your fears. For the Saturn in Capricorn transit, you have dealt with similar themes of self-worth and value, but you are now more experienced and confident. Stop bringing yourself down and think of all the excellent things you have accomplished this year. There are many promising new things awaiting you once you are able to set your goals and priorities in a more positive direction.

Capricorn – This Full Moon transit in your sister sign is one that will bring you some healing qualities when it comes to your relationships and how you approach them. If you have been in a conflicting position with your romantic partners or friends, you are now more aware of any faults. This is a transit where you should not be afraid to let your guard down and speak on your emotions as well as listening to others.

Aquarius – You are ready to make changes in your routines with this Full Moon in Cancer. If you tried in the summer to start a new regiment or complete a project, you might now feel energized to do so. Any setbacks you felt during the year will be forgotten. You are in work mode and focused on success; nothing will stop you during this time. It will be a period of evaluation and planning as we prepare for the New Year.

Pisces – Getting ready to close out this year with a lot of changes and a period of rest. This transit will bring in new and interesting people, which have helped you step out of your comfort zone in a good away. You will have more confidence now to go after whatever you want or have been eying. The healing during the Full Moon will result in an increase in your motivation levels, bringing them to new highs.

About the author

A.T. Nunez

Love astrology and wasting hours writing things I can’t finish.