Here’s What Each Zodiac Sign Can Expect From 2020’s Mercury In Scorpio

Mercury enters Scorpio on September 27th, 2020, and it will officially end on December 1st, 2020. This transit will have us on our toes, since it will almost be a two-month transit. The dreaded Mercury retrograde will begin on October 13th, so this October will be one for the books. It will make its way back into the sign of Libra on October 27th and back into Scorpio on November 10th. In Scorpio, Mercury is the detective who wants to get to the bottom of things right away. Because this transit will impact Election Day (in the U.S), we are all going to see how it will manifest on a political level. Because Scorpio is a Water Sign, we will be more in touch with our emotions during this transit. Prepare yourselves for a good cry, a moment to revisit the past, and a time to learn to let go. It will not be a walk in the park, but it will be a journey for changes and evaluating where we are and where we are headed.
This transit will have you wanting to get to the bottom of things. It will be advantageous, since you are working hard, and this will allow you to get things done with impeccable detail. You will take on a more reserved approach when it comes to getting answers, since you will be focused on excelling at work or school. With your ruler still in retrograde, this is also the perfect time to take it easy when you are overwhelmed and use this Mercury transit to get clarity, do some research, and be practical.
Here you reflect on the importance of partnerships in your life. Mercury in Scorpio will be a mirror into your relationships. Any desires will be shown, as well as the cracks in your partnership. This is a time to discuss topics with your partner that you might have put off. You are embarking on a new journey with these transits, especially with Juno currently in this sign. The results of this can bring you both closer than before.
Prepare to feel in your element with this transit. Mercury in Scorpio has you on the move and no one will be able to keep up with you. Although these Saturn transits have been tough on you, with Mercury here, it seems like you are on your way to stability and finding a sense of direction you have been lacking. Mercury sets your eyes on the future, pushes you, and motivates and fuels those dreams.
An enjoyable transit for water signs as you gear up to meet alluring people or just be more charming in the presence of others. Although Mercury in Scorpio is not for the faint of heart, you master this energy since you are a water sign. The depths and mysteries in this transit will have you diving deeper into self-discovery and you might even question some relationships. Communicating what you want in a relationship now will break you free of the chains that this Saturn transit has presented to you.
Mercury in Scorpio will push you to be more introverted now. You will be a lot more focused on getting things done by yourself or with the minimal assistance from others. Saturn has taught you patience in the last few years, and you will be applying this mantra. Taking on solo projects now will prove to be fruitful, since you have the energy and capacity to focus and are driven for more success.
This is a favorable transit for you with Mercury in Scorpio giving you the power to become the jack of all trades. Here you will seem more exciting to people which can make this an enjoyable transit. It will be a period of staying connected or reaching out to others and taking on new projects and initiatives. You will be curious, but your words can also be sharp. Take some time to recharge and make sure not to verbally punch others.
More of a focus on the future, as many Cardinal signs might feel the weight and the shifts in your path as we wait for the end of the year. Mercury in Scorpio has you analyzing your resources and where to go from here. The challenges might present themselves with things pertaining to the household or coming to a truce with a partner regarding expenses. This is a transit where your patience will be tested, but the Sun is still in your sign, giving you the tact to power through.
You will be reclaiming your power through this transit, and all signs point to favorable things to come. Right now, you are in your evolution stage, feeling success and much responsibility. The work continues to pile, but you are adept enough to manage your workload. If you are in a leadership position, this is a transit that will show others how excellent your management skills are. Just remember to take a break, because Mercury can go on overdrive without stopping.
This transit will show you the darkest parts of your psyche, but it can also provide a healing quality after it is over. Mercury in Scorpio wants you to transform yourself by revisiting those traumatic memories and allowing you to push forward. This will be a time where you contemplate your place in the world and your values. After this, you will have answers and strength.
If you have been feeling like going into hermit mode, this Mercury transit will pull you out of it and have you reconnecting with friends or people you have not spoken to in a while. Mercury in Scorpio makes you slightly more inclined to interact. These connections can boost your ego, help you stay focused, and continue with your road to the top. Mercury’s influence on power will have you ready to pull from your slump as you wait for your ruler to go direct on the 29th.
The shifts that are occurring now are just paving the way for your major transits later this year. Mercury in Scorpio will be a time where you contemplate your future and goals. This can be an interesting transit, since it will allow you to feel a sense of responsibility and the weight of projects that are to come. Here you will plan your way to the next chapter with the help of superiors and those in positions of power.
With this transit, you will be more willing to embark on interesting journeys through reading or just researching. For those currently in school, this is an excellent time to keep up with classes and to get more interested in topics that you might consider diving deeper for the future. There will be positive influences and mentors in your life now that can help reshape the way you think.