Here Are The September 2020 Horoscopes For Each Sign

September will be one of the more challenging months, no thanks to the Mars Retrograde beginning on the 9th and the current squares that Mars has with Saturn and eventually Pluto and Jupiter. We are getting closer to the end of the year as we have crossed over to the second half, which means that it would be in our best business to take things at a slower speed and be more methodical. The Full Moon in Pisces on the 2nd promises a more calming transit for us, as Pisces will encourage us to take things easier and go at a pace we can tolerate. Mercury enters Libra on the 5th, which will be a different shift from the intensity of Mercury in Virgo. This lighthearted Mercury transit will be opposing Mars and squaring Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter, so it isn’t smooth sailing there. However, the Venus shift into Leo will be a fun transit that begins on the 6th. Show off, flirt, create, explore and have fun with Venus in a fire sign—we will all want to feel loved and adored. The Sun enters Libra on the 22nd, changing the mood once more as this period will be filled with conflicts to Saturn, but we are all used to it by now. Finally, on the 29th, Saturn goes direct and we can all get ready to welcome back Saturn in Aquarius later in the year. 2020 has shown up with challenges, and we are close to the final stretch. Be patient and don’t panic.
This month will be filled with a lot of changes, and you will work harder for those accomplishments. Virgo season highlights that part of your chart focused on self-care and routine. Switch things up if you are not feeling satisfied with your health and remember to take a break when you need it. The Four of Swords is your card for the month, a reminder to go slow, rest, and remember to just relax. Mars is your ruler, and it pretty much causes some good bursts of energy, but at the same time, you can experience the exhaustion afterwards. Mars will be going retrograde on the 9th, making you feel tense and irritated, since you might have to do some rework on topics highlighted a few months ago. Take it easy this second time around. Saturn finally goes direct on the 29th, bringing you a period of relaxation as you can finally carry on with the rest of the year without feeling too much of the retrograde’s lessons. You still have to worry about the great Mars squares with Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter, but you will do just fine. A favorable transit for you is Venus entering fellow fire sign Leo on the 6th. Get ready for excitement in your life, as you become more confident in you with the powerful trine to your rising, Sun, or Moon. This can be a period of romance if you want to or just a good way to relax and have fun from the comforts of your home. The Sun enters Libra on the 22nd, a good time for reflection and to add some harmony into your life. Take some cues from your sister sign and learn to pick your battles, since Mars will be stressed this month. We know you love to go full speed ahead, but this time around it is best to just go slower than you are accustomed to. Too much forcefulness and not enough patience can make things more challenging. Relax, go slow, and take it one day at a time, Aries.
Virgo season is a favorable time for you as you breathe in happily knowing things will flow just a little bit easier with you this month. Your card for the month is the Ten of Swords Reversed, a sign you are ready to let go of those karmic ties and will focus on getting ahead emotionally, and spiritually. Let go of those grudges, because it will help you lighten the load. It can be a bit of a dreaded card for many, but this is a sign of conclusions as you get ready to change your path in life. The Full Moon in Pisces on the second is a good period for you to reconnect and to put yourself more on the social media spotlight. You will see a culmination regarding your progress with friends or networking. Through this journey, you might have met a lot of interesting people and let go of those who you were once closer with since they were not reciprocating your energy. Venus will enter the sign of Leo on 6th, initiating a period of relaxation and more of a focus on your immediate environment at home. You might feel inspired to beautify or make changes to your surroundings. This energy can also make you nostalgic for the past. Jupiter goes direct on the 12th, allowing you to get more amped to produce and work to your heart’s content. You might feel the benefic energy from this planet and might want to overindulge—make sure to know your limits. The New Moon on the 17th will help shape the course for the next year. Dream big or go home is the energy that I get from this. You can feel more inspired to produce more content or explore your romantic side, or you may just decide to bring more fun and excitement into your life. This month promises to bring you loads of excitement as long as you can handle that Mars and Saturn energy with grace and care. But as an earth sign, you are used to going slower than most and producing greatness.
There is a lot to expect from one of the most complicated months of the year. As a Gemini, you are up for any challenge. The month begins on the 2nd with the Full Moon in Pisces, creating some tensions with your sign as you begin to see the culmination relating to work or career that had begun earlier in the year. You have made up your mind and are considering the steps to redirect your path. You have the confidence needed now to go forth. Mercury in Libra on the 5th is a period of excitement for you because it can signal the beginnings of potential romances (if you are single) or a joyful time for those partnered. It will be mentally stimulating and an inspirational journey for you. Temperance Reversed is your card for the month, a reminder to find that balance within and then you will feel confident enough to take on the world. Venus will enter Leo on the 6th, a shift you are probably still adjusting to, since Venus has been in your sign for quite some time. Another creative moment filled with inspiration for those Geminis in the creative field, you will really be thriving this month with everything favoring what you love to do, and that is communicate. Mars will go Retrograde on the 9th, giving you a moment to contemplate who is in your social circle and your communication or networking techniques. However, the squares with the Capricorn planets might make things frustrating for you, and there can be some discords within your groups. Some great news for you is that Saturn will be going direct on the 29th as it begins its final say in Capricorn. You will feel the shift in your foundation, as you begin to move forward and away from the blockages that Saturn might have had on your financials. Finally, the Sun enters fellow air sign Libra on the 22nd, promising another period of self-discovery filled with thrills.
A month filled with some struggles with the Five of Wands appearing in your reading. Learn to pick and choose your battles, especially with Mars Retrograding on the 9th promising a period of awkwardness as you must revisit any conflicts you faced in the previous month. The Full Moon in Pisces on the 2nd will electrify you and your ideologies. What have you learned this year that has helped you to transform? This is not limited to education; it could be a person or an incident that has changed your outlook. You might have learned to appreciate a situation or people more due to the experience. Everything will be highlighted with this transit. Venus will switch to Leo on the 6th, allowing you to focus on growth and your own expansion. Set those seeds now for more to come as the year progresses, because Venus might bring surprises, especially when it makes some good aspects to Mars. Jupiter goes direct on the 12th, easing some of the tensions you might have had with others. Saturn follows suit on the 29th, giving you more breathing room in the area of partnerships. Try not to get into any conflicts with friends and lovers at this time, because you might regret it. Take a diplomatic approach when the Sun enters the sign of Libra on the 22nd, bringing some harmony to your home. You will not have to worry about the opposition to Mars until next month. Mercury enters fellow water sign Scorpio on the 27th, allowing you to live your best life. You will have the right words for those you are interested in. The magnetism you exude will be over the roof. Overall, keep the peace and take it easy this month.
We are entering the final months of the year and you are ready for the changes. Venus finally enters your sign on the 6th, electrifying you and making others more attracted to your charisma and charm this season. The Mars Retrograde on the 9th will not be as bad for you as you learn to create balance in your surroundings and work. You will have the opportunity to reflect on what needs to be improved and what should be changed when it comes to projects. Try to bring some harmony with your working environment because this retrograde can cause some friction. Nevertheless, you are equipped to navigate this energy as you put yourself in work mode and get things done. You can surprise many people if you continue to go at a pace you are comfortable with—no need to rush, just take things easy. The New Moon in Virgo on the 17th will be a promising period as you focus on producing, maintaining, and stabilizing your environment. You are hyped to get to the top and you are making the plans and moves needed to create your security this month. Your card for the month is. The Fool Reversed. Abandon those worries and get that plan or goal you’ve dreamt of in motion.
Your birthday month is here! Happy birthday to all the Virgos. As an Earth sign, you will be welcoming the season with open arms as you begin to witness Saturn’s final rounds in Capricorn. September 2nd is a Full Moon in sister sign Pisces, activating those themes relating to relationships and your outlook on the future potential ones. On the 6th, Mercury enters Libra, moving your concentration onto financials. There could be folks providing some advice, but you might be opposed to it, thanks to Mars in Aries creating some conflicts. Venus will enter Leo on the 6th, adding a very different vibe as you might take on a time travel session to your previous relationships and begin to focus on changes needed to make before transiting Venus enters your sign. The Mars Retrograde on the 9th has us on our toes, as it gets ready for more bruising from Saturn and Pluto. You are fine with this but will still feel the resistance that Saturn puts up. The planet of rules goes direct on the 29th, allowing you to go forward with plans without having to reconsider changes. This ties in with the Knight of Pentacles Reversed, your card for the month. Do not look for shortcuts. The trick here is to be patient. Go with the flow and you will be sailing smoothly through the storm until December.
Later this month, we will be in your birthday season. Wow, how time flies. The month opens with the Full Moon in Pisces on the 2nd, allowing you to make some much-needed changes or break some patterns. This Full Moon is a reminder to level up, take care of yourself, and look to the future. Mercury enters your sign on the 5th, getting you in the zone, and others will take notice. With the opposition that Mars has on your personal planets will cause some friction with others. Do your thing and diffuse the situation. Speaking of Mars, the planet goes retrograde on the 9th, bringing a new perspective to you with regards to relationships. Consider the power dynamics in your relationships and make those necessary changes. Try to maintain a balance but do not use your power for bad (through manipulation) and do not let others have power over you. The New Moon in Virgo on the 17th will bring some much-needed rest and transformations as you get ready for your season. This will be a transit that inspires some introspection. The Sun enters your sign on the 22nd, making you more alluring. And finally, you will be overjoyed to see that Saturn is direct on the 29th. Just several months before the transit through Capricorn is over for it, allowing Cardinal signs to breathe a little easier. Your card for the month is the Page of Pentacles—set the vision to make that money. Mercury’s move to Scorpio on the 27th is an inspirational time as you weigh in your resources and consider valuable methods of expanding. Be wise and flourish.
This month, many Scorpios will be flowing with this Virgo energy and the High Priestess as your card for the month shows how your intuitive self will make the best of things by showing others your power, grace and psychic ability. Full Moons are a fun time and this one in Pisces on the 2nd makes a trine to your sign, adding a little spark in your romantic life. It will have the tone of Pisces with the melancholy, but you can still find ways to stir up passions and feel more connected to those you are involved with. On the 6th, Venus enters Leo, an important transit that shows others what you are made of. It will ignite your house of honors, and you will do your best to show everyone why you deserve to be at the top. You have been in full control of your destiny since Leo season began and your job is not done here yet. Mars is going retrograde on the 9th, adding more fuel to your unstoppable drive, and when Mars connects with Venus, this can be rewarding for you but frustrating with the squares that Saturn and Pluto are making. The lesson here is not to give up, but as a Scorpio, you have mastered the art of patience. The New Moon in Virgo on the 17th can bring out the social butterfly in you and add some heavy nostalgia as it creates some tough aspects to Neptune. Wipe the tears away and make sure you are seeing things clearly during this time. On the 22nd, the Sun enters Libra, a shift in dynamic as you take the opportunity to take a much-needed break before your season begins. All that excitement will have you centered once more and finding opportunities for some self-care. Finally, on the 29th, Saturn goes direct, and it ends the month of September with a bang.
We are getting closer to the end of the year, and you are probably starting to feel the shift that is happening with the Mars and Saturn tension brewing. Your world has been shaken by the Saturn transit, and its ingress in Aquarius opened up a new door you would be excited to venture through. The month begins with the Full Moon in Pisces on the 2nd. You can see that certain themes from earlier on in the year begin to repeat themselves relating to work and home. There might be changes you need to make before moving on to your next step. Creating a balance between home and career will allow for you to feel reassured and ready to face challenges. Venus entering the sign of Leo on the 6th opens up your world to the new and unexplored. You will feel adventurous here and with the trine to Mars, things might just be filled with more surprises but expect a slowing down of things with the ongoing square Mars has with both Saturn and Pluto. The party begins, but it might not go at your desired speed. Your card for the month is Justice Reversed. This is synonymous with Saturn going direct towards the end of the month and the Sun entering Libra on the 22nd. Do things with patience and care, and control the explosiveness that Mars might inspire. Take a lesson from your sister sign Libra and learn the diplomatic route. Taking the high road is sometimes the best option when you are stressed and overworked.
What you will enjoy about this month is that it settles into the energy you are accustomed to. However, there are still many challenges ahead with Mars squaring planets in your sign. The Full Moon on the 2nd will make you feel a little relieved with the influx of connections you might receive from others. A stimulating and joyful experience for you is bound to happen this transit. When Venus enters the sign of Leo on the 6th, you will dive deeper into a subconscious level, clearing out baggage from old relationships or just making peace with your past. Cardinals are not looking forward to the Mars Retrograde on the 9th. Mars in Aries has created tension for us all, and now we start to feel it full force with the squares to Saturn becoming more prominent up to October and more hurt in November. Buckle up for the New Moon in Virgo on the 17th, a beneficial time for you which will help you settle and get things done (even though that is never an issue for you). You are curious, confident, and ready to dive in and learn. On the 22nd, the Sun enters fellow Cardinal sign, Libra, causing you to focus on your career for the next several weeks. Your stability at home impacts the successes you will have at work or moving forward with your career. Mars might try to stop you, but you will surely have the assist from Saturn to make you slow down and handle conflicts with care, even if it all feels frustrating for you the first time around. The Eight of Wands appears in your reading for the month, showing that although you might take things slowly, there will be events when you are pushed to go faster. Saturn goes direct on the 29th, so this can implicate that from here on out, we are all moving full speed ahead.
For you, the Full Moon in Pisces on the 2nd will be a time to get reacquainted with who you are as well as your values. This is a learning period, which is appropriate before Saturn officially moves in your sign in December. Something to look forward to is the shift of Venus from the passions of Cancer to vibrant Leo on the 6th. It can be a confidence-building transit as you identify the things you seek in others that you want in your life. Expect to meet or reconnect with people that share your beliefs and ideologies. Venus in fire makes a great trine to Mars in Aries, which goes retrograde on the 9th. My advice to you? Take things slow and make sure to watch your tongue and not to rush things, especially since your card for the month is Page of Swords Reversed. Mars in Aries wants us to go full speed ahead, but Saturn is telling him to slow down and redo things. Any topics relating to July or early August might pop back up for you, so think wisely and learn from any mistakes. The New Moon in Virgo on the 17th will have you once again revisiting the topic of you. It is a time to shed parts of yourself as a way to rebuild for the next phase. With the Sun moving into air sign Libra on the 22nd, you begin to dive into a challenging October, filled with good learning experiences and opportunities. Saturn finally goes direct on the 29th, you can just feel the shift with this transit, as the planet of restriction and lessons gets ready to cross over to your ascendant.
An exciting month for you with the Two of Cups Reversed, a promising new beginning, especially with the Sun in Virgo highlighting your relationships and potential partnerships. This month will manage to pull some strong emotions out of you beginning with the Full Moon in your sign on the 2nd. You are ready, you have learned, and this is the next phase for your growth. Pisces have stepped up their game and are ready for that next phase. 2020 has strengthened you, and you feel that cycle involving the old you is shedding and this stronger version emerging. On the 6th, Venus enters Leo, motivating you to switch up your routines and to fuel your ambitions. You know what you want and are not afraid to get it. The Mars retrograde on the 9th serves as a reminder to take it easy and do not be impulsive when it comes to spending. You are working hard for your money now, so do be more methodical about what you use it on and make sure it isn’t on meaningless things. The New Moon in Virgo on the 17th brings the focus back to relationships, as you make the choice to claim your independence and to honor yourself. Your heart will be ready for the self-love before you fall in love.