Here’s Each Zodiac’s Horoscope For The Gemini New Moon
Sagittarius – Once again, the shadows of the past will reappear with this New Moon transit.
A.T. Nunez
The New Moon will enter the sign of Gemini on May 22nd. We are all bracing ourselves for what will happen since Venus, the planet of love and beauty is still in the sign. With Mercury and Venus in the same sign, expect some drama, as Venus is still retrograde but understand that this will be resolved when we all come to terms with how we handle relationships. Ghosting during a pandemic will surely be something we look back on in the future. Those experiences through dating will let people know what they want moving forward. Relationships will reach new levels through much-needed introspection and healing. This Gemini Season will have a heavy focus on how we connect digitally, who we connect with and what our digital imprint will be. We are up for the chatter and the connections to friends and families. Gemini Season will surely keep us connected, especially with the world still dealing with COVID-19. Technology becomes our greatest ally during this transit, as we continue to uncover a lot about ourselves and the world.
Aries – With Venus already in the same sign, this will be an enlightening New Moon getting you ready to embark on a new journey of learning. If you have been interested in new topics, you might feel like you are ready to take the plunge, even if it means revisiting this idea 6 months from now. For now, you would benefit best from unleashing your creative side and focusing on some new projects.
Taurus – Nothing will bring out the needs and wants of Taurus like this New Moon in Gemini. Since it will be joining both Mercury and Venus, you will feel that nervous energy surrounding you. For weeks it might have felt like a wave of anxiety crept towards you, but now you will get those answers you need. Learn to bring value and focus to you and understand that mastery and success take patience and time.
Gemini – Happy Birthday! Your season is finally here bringing you lots of insights and opportunities. This New Moon will have you contemplating the new directions you will be taking for the next several months. The Venus Retrograde has you focusing on your wants and needs, and the New Moon will have you either perfecting your path or changing the GPS to your new path. Enjoy the ride.
Cancer – This can be a blissful moment for you as you take a step back and focus on bringing your energy levels back to normal with rest and care. This New Moon will have you in private luxury, ready to plan an escape to another dimension where things are more exciting. Indulge yourself with relaxation and meditation.
Leo – Connections will take on a deeper meaning for you as they have in the last month. You will be able to stand out from the rest and even gain some popularity through social media. This New Moon in Gemini will bring out what makes Leos shine as you all get ready to claim your throne. You are the star of the show, keep at it and enjoy the ride.
Virgo – In the spotlight since April, but you’re used to it. The work you have been putting out there will begin to show itself. You’ve got the eyes of those that will be influential in your business prospects or it might relate to schools and acceptances. This New Moon reminds you that effort is needed as well as faith in yourself. Continue giving it your all to get to the top.
Libra – You were once in need of guidance and have looked to others, but this New Moon transit will have you finding answers. Your guides are here to help during this transit, and you will gain valuable ideas and knowledge after this. You are learning and continuously growing. Brace yourself because now others might look to you for guidance and mentorship.
Scorpio – A period of restructuring awaits everyone, but we have already felt this vibrant Gemini energy since Venus entered the sign back in April. Financial issues have been in the limelight for you as you embarked on a new phase. If you are feeling more grounded with finances, good job! To those who need that stabilization, you will definitely get more insight to make things right.
Sagittarius – Once again, the shadows of the past will reappear with this New Moon transit. You have already dived into deep rediscovery regarding your path, goals and the people you associate with. This is your time to restructure yourself and strengthen your mind. You are not going to take it from anyone and this transit will have your mind and tongue sharp. Let them know who is the boss.
Capricorn – Gemini Season will continue to bring a focus on your achievements and successes. This New Moon will let you know if you have been working too hard and need to remind yourself to take some breaks. The nervous energy of Gemini will make you want to keep going like the energizer bunny. Remember that in order to succeed, you need resting periods. Rest if you need it.
Aquarius – You could use a lot of inspiration and thanks to this New Moon, you will be pretty much bursting with excitement at the potential that awaits. It can be easy to be overwhelmed by what is going on, especially with Mercury and Venus in the same sign, but you’ve got this. Enjoy the ride, connect with friends via social media and if you’re in love, keep showing how beautiful your heart is.
Pisces – This New Moon will bring some tough moments for you to face since it will be squaring your sign and this energy might feel like a dream bubble has been popped. Things are changing, you are changing but you have enough understanding to know where to navigate from here on out. The challenges of the Moon will be internal, but you will benefit from the strength attained after this.