Meg Pinsonneault

This Is The February Tarot Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign

Taurus – Your ability to relate and engage others will be favorable for you this month.


February will be a transitioning month from all of the heavy energy in January. More planets have moved away from Capricorn, but we still have three there. This month will bring our first Mercury Retrograde of the year, a Juno Retrograde and Venus will enter a Fire Sign. Aquarius Season promises to be interesting this year and Pisces Season will bring on the same.

Aries – Venus will be in your sign early this month, giving you that sense of confidence that you have desired for quite some time. As the month progresses there will be some challenges when it comes to communicating as you will retreat to your mind but will struggle to let known what you want. With Mercury Retrograding in the sign of Pisces, this will definitely make you want to stay away from the limelight as you become more contemplative. The Nine of Swords in the Reverse is your card for the month, foretelling that you will be released from whatever traumatic events are holding you back. Once more, you will step into the light and begin to fight for what you want as that is part of the Aries nature thanks to the energy from the Full Moon in Leo lifting your spirits during this month. Your motivation and drive will be your crowning achievement as Mars shifts into Capricorn, making you top boss. When the Sun shifts into Pisces, you will feel more energy and happiness as you prepare just one more month for your season.

Taurus – Your ability to relate and engage others will be favorable for you this month. The Pisces energy will motivate you and bring inspiration to any creative endeavors you will take. When Venus enters Aries, you might either feel the benefits of this transit of the chaos. Venus will help alleviate your worries as you feel more accepting of what is to come. You will be bracing yourself for the Full Moon in Leo, allowing you to focus on the importance of sprucing up your home. During this transit you will have an urge to make changes, to bring more comfort and joy that will translate for the next couple of months. When Mercury goes Retrograde in Pisces, you will experience seeing a lot of people from the past who will make their way back in to help boost your confidence or your networking skills. Finally, the impact of Mars in Capricorn will boost your confidence and drive to get things done. It will be beneficial for you because it will help guide you and remind you of what you want. The Ten of Pentacles is your card for the month, signaling to abundance and prosperity making its way to you. A great reminder that anything is possible as long as you have the right mindset and put in the effort.

Gemini – February will give you a taste of what will come when we enter Gemini Season. The Juno Retrograde in fellow air sign, Libra will have everyone worrying and doubting the sustainability of their partnerships. Some of the themes we see now will be repeated during the Venus Retrograde in the summer that will be in Gemini. For now, you will experience a lot of fun and thrills with Venus in Aries, making you the star of the show just briefly. With the Full Moon in Leo, you will benefit a lot from this transit, allowing you to make choices you have been putting off as well as rekindling missed connections with those from your past. Mercury will go retrograde this month in Pisces, creating some tension with planning and career goals, but you will manage to get through this by practicing patience and control. The High Priestess in the Reverse is your card this month, urging you to become more in sync with your intuitive side. Do not fear it but learn to hone it. Meditation can not only help you bridge that gap but will also bring clarity and harmony during the retrograde chaos.

Cancer – This month will be riddled with many challenges and obstacles, but you have your head in the game and it will allow for you to navigate any issues. With Venus entering Aries you will be on the spotlight, and many will be enamored with your accomplishments. As long as you keep your dreams alive and the drive going, you will be unstoppable and will achieve anything you set your mind to. The Full Moon in Leo in the second week of the month will shift your focus to improving finances. If you play your cards right and add in more effort to your pending projects, your income could receive a much needed boost for the next couple of months as your desires and hopes will be highlighted during this transit. This is a month where you manifest your future and focus on ways to bring about your happiness and it is highlighted in your card for the month which is the Ten of Cups. Continue to fight for your dreams to become a reality as you will see the fruits of your labor unfold.

Leo – A lively month for you as you will feel the urge to connect and strengthen bonds. Venus is entering Aries and you are ready to embark on new things and take on new adventures. With Spring just a few months away, you might even feel inspired to take a trip and get away from the mundane. You are in your element this month with the Full Moon also in your sign, helping you to heal any wounds from the past. You are embracing this new version of yourself and feel ready to embark on greater and better things. With Mars entering the sign of Capricorn, your obsession with security might push you to put more effort into the things that you want. While you will be working hard, you will make sure to play harder. Just because you might feel like you are back to normal you, you should still try to be more cooperative with others since the Three of Cups in the Reverse is your card for the month. Play nice, be assertive but do not make others feel any less. Remember, you are the Aristocrat here to unite, not destroy.

Virgo – After a period of feeling like a hermit, you finally come into your power this month. Mars will be in fellow earth sign, Capricorn, sparking up some more drive in you. The Full Moon in Leo will highlight some changes that need to be made as you will go down memory lane and wonder if you should reconcile with someone from your past or just let things go and move on. The Saturn and Pluto conjunction might have felt like a Debbie Downer, cramping up your style, but Mars entering will help to liven the party. Venus in Aries will bring some intensity to your life as you may even encounter some interesting people in this transit but beware of committing to any passions just yet. As the month progresses, the Sun will enter Pisces, once again highlighting that romance zone. Keep your head in the game and make sure to analyze the situation before making any leaps because the Eight of Cups in the Reverse is your card for the month, showcasing that you have some unfinished business with someone from your past. Are you ready to cut the cords and move on?

Libra – It will be an interesting month for you when Juno goes Retrograde in your sign in the next few weeks. Commitment issues might come to light as well as topics relating to that. However, Venus in the sign of Aries will still help to rekindle your love and bring about an inspiring force with those you have interpersonal relationships with. This will be a month of work and action as Mars moves into Capricorn, once again adding pressure to your home base, but since you are already used to the energy, you will come out of this successful and with more insight. The Sun entering Pisces later this month will bring focus to your health, so you might be inspired to make some changes to your life in order to bring happiness and balance. With the Full Moon in Leo, it will be the perfect time to reconnect with others as well as make your mark on social media. Who knows, you might even have an influx of followers after this transit. Your card for the month is the Six of Swords in the Reverse which reflects your fears of the unknown. Things will change for the better as long as you are willing to let go of the past and see the future.

Scorpio – Pisces energy will prove to be favorable for you this month as the planets slowly begin to shift into your fellow water sign. Venus in Aries brings harmony to your daily routines and with the Full Moon in Leo, the refinement in your plans as well as the efforts that you have put into your career and goals will receive a much-deserved highlight and recognition. When Mars moves into Capricorn, this will benefit you more when it comes to success since you will be more confident when it comes to making decisions as well as planning. Everything now is setting up to something greater and all it takes is your confidence and drive to keep it going. Your card for the month is the Six of Wands in the Reverse reminding you not to limit yourself and to keep going stronger. Things will work out in your favor when you have faith and trust yourself.

Sagittarius – Many fire signs will enjoy Venus entering Aries early this month bringing some relaxation and changes. This is all preparing for the other great energy that will accompany the Full Moon in Leo, kickstarting new paths for many fire signs this year. The Full Moon will help shift your attitudes and elevate your mindset and will inspire a new passion that will allow for you to learn and grow. One conflicting drawback to this month will be Mars in Capricorn, once again intensifying how you view yourself and your foundation. Bring back the stability through mental preparation as well as planning. Do not let impulsive spending take over this month. With the Sun entering the sign of Pisces later this month, you will want to be reunited with family or close friends, adding to a very chill and relaxing feeling that will accompany you through the months of March. Your card for the month is the Two of Pentacles in the Reverse and this shows that you need to take some breaks and relax. Doing too much can only burn you our quicker. Do not be afraid to turn things down and saying no.

Capricorn – A change in energy this month will bring some new opportunities for you. Jupiter in your sign will help you keep some optimism and faith during these tough Saturn and Pluto transits that are also in your sign. The Full Moon in Leo this month will bring into light some changes that need to be made involving your outlook on many things. Letting go of past hurts will help you move forth. This healing energy will be felt some more when Venus enters Aries and you will have the opportunity to feel safe and comfort in your immediate environment. Tensions will cool down and then everything will kick back into gear when Mars enters your sign, pushing you to work as hard as you can and once again bringing four planets into your sign causing some chaos. This month, the Knight of Swords in the Reverse is your card, reminding you to take it easy, especially when Mars is in your sign. Look before you leap.

Aquarius – For you, the Full Moon in Leo will bring a sense of magic and fantasy in the air. The Month of Valentine’s will make us all want to tap into our romantic side and Venus in Aries making a harmonious aspect to your descendant is only helping to encourage it. Nevertheless, you will be able to develop more intimate bonds during this transit. We are still in your birthday season at the beginning of the month, moving through the heavy Saturn energy. Towards the middle of the month, you might feel lots when Mars enters Capricorn, bringing your energy to a halt for a bit. Use the time to contemplate your next steps. Finally, towards the end of the month, we are entering Pisces Season. Another step towards accomplishments and triumphs as you get your head in the game. It is no coincidence that the Queen of Wands is your card for the month since it shows your best qualities and your ability to connect and make changes through the collective.

Pisces – The end of February will bring your season and we have all been anxiously awaiting it. Venus entering Aries will bring you back to focus on helping you build a foundation that will keep you grounded for the next year. Do not let impulsive spending take over. Many people might look to you for decision making as you will show how witty you are during this transit. It can also help provide a diplomatic attitude when confronted with conflict. The Full Moon in Leo highlights your efforts and brings some clarity into how you are approaching your day to day challenges. This insight will serve as motivation and a lesson for the future. When the Sun enters your sign, there will be a relief in the air as we see more planets moving away from the Capricorn Stellium. Use your new position of influence to show just how generous you can be. The Six of Pentacles shows that you will be victorious but will also know how to share the wisdom with those who are looking up to you.