What The New Moon In Aquarius Will Bring For Each Zodiac Sign
The New Moon in Aquarius will arrive on January 24th, 2020. This is a great moon for changes in ideology or outlooks, reconnecting with friends and for meeting new people.
A.T. Nunez
The New Moon in Aquarius will arrive on January 24th, 2020. This is a great moon for changes in ideology or outlooks, reconnecting with friends and for meeting new people. This is a very social and vibrant moon that makes those that are shy want to break out of their shells. It is a magical moon because it brings you the opportunity to dream, to believe once again and this is what is needed after the heavy Saturn and Pluto conjunction earlier this month. The heavy Capricorn Stellium is slowly coming apart, making way for new paths and beginnings.
Aries – The New Moon in Aquarius can be a magical feeling. This is the wakeup call you wanted and needed in order to get that spark of energy back into your life. All the hard work probably felt as if there would be little rewards at the end. Now you can get things moving as you slowly begin to break way from the hardships you might have been feeling. Venus in Pisces is will help you feel a little more relaxed and the energy from Mars will get you motivated once again. Tap into the Moon to help you dream again and believe that you can achieve the happiness you desire.
Taurus – With this transit, you will feel out of your element but will also feel an exciting shift in energy. Everything might feel like it is moving quickly for you, but this is because Sun, Mercury and the New Moon are in Aquarius, highlighting you. There will be praise and you will benefit from the interactions you have with others. Meeting new people that will help you advance and contribute to your career goals will be advantageous to you. Dream big and do not be afraid to get your plans for a project sorted because your good friends will help motivate you to get them to come true.
Gemini – Air signs will love this New Moon in Aquarius because it makes them all feel at home and brings comfort after the heavy Earth energy. You will feel awakened and inspired enough to travel or go out of your way to learn something that has piqued your interest for some time. This is also a moment where you might be singled out by everyone, not because of something negative, but because you will be recognized for your efforts and hard work. Take control and be proud of your achievements. Your engagements with others will truly show you what you are capable of and how others view you.
Cancer – It will be interesting when the New Moon in Aquarius brings up some much-needed work arounds to finances and inner healing. You may be your worst enemy right now, or you may have lost confidence in your choices. Look through things with a new set of glasses. You will be more methodical now. Inspired to learn more, you will be diligent when it comes to mastering your craft. It can be hard to breakaway from what feels comfortable to you, but with the Saturn transits, you are learning that changes need to be made and accepted when they are beyond our control in order to evolve.
Leo – This will feel like a magical New Moon in your sister sign. You will feel more confident in reconnecting with others and making new friendships along the line. It will be a good time to play nice with others and to build upon those relationships that you have at work or school. This is also a surprisingly good time for forgiveness and to apologize if you have wronged others. Generally, this period is a moment of growth for you and the harmonious Venus in Pisces energy will warm your heart further as you walk your path of self-discovery.
Virgo – You are never afraid to put in the time and effort into additional work. With the New Moon in Aquarius, you will be happy to work hard for the things you have been eying. Love can be in the air with Venus in your sister sign, so there is a bit of excitement on that front as well. This is your time to adopt an optimistic mindset, even if you feel drowned at work or school with all of the additional responsibilities you have been going through since last year. Take the time to enjoy the fascinating moments right now and try to take rest when you need it.
Libra – Joy at last with this New Moon in Aquarius bringing moments of hope and excitement to you. You may have felt like you were losing hope with your projects, but you will see a silver lining now. Either you can receive the recognition you have wanted, or you finally begin to have faith in your work and yourself. Your mental wit is sharp and running full speed. People will take the time to listen to you as you take on new approaches to self-expression that can contribute to the way you present yourself and projects from here on out.
Scorpio – This transit will help ground you. Some of your more comforting moments will be in the space that makes you comfortable. You will feel inspired and ready to embark on new beginnings. Venus in Pisces will bring new moments filled with joy and enthusiasm, while the New Moon brings serenity in the interesting way that Aquarius manages to do. Use the motivation now to get things done and to build upon your grounding. Whatever you focus on will come to reality, you have lots of things going in your favor.
Sagittarius – You will feel blessed with this New Moon in Aquarius, especially for the creative ones out there. There will be lots of emphasis on learning and probably mastering your craft with this transit. Focus will be important for you as well and it will allow for you to switch from those negative thoughts by putting your energy in projects that will contribute to your growth. Venus in Pisces adds a nice and calming touch when it comes to matters of the home. This will feel like a relaxing period, even if it is brief.
Capricorn – A focus will be emphasized on how you handle pressure. If you need a break, take one. There is no shame in wanting to relax, especially if you feel burdened by the weight of the world (Saturn/Pluto in your sign). The New Moon shifts your mindset into other things that will contribute to focusing on caring about you. These transits have been exhausting for us all, but they are in your sign. However, even if this is energy you might be used to already, it is still a good time to try and delegate duties to others if you can.
Aquarius – With the New Moon in your sign you will feel the wake-up call to take on the challenges that have put you down. The motivation needed to get things done will be with you, especially with Mercury in your sign. You will be a mastermind when it comes to planning and motivating others. You will assume your leadership position and others will notice you. The lethargic energy from Capricorn in your subconscious, might have kept you in a stasis for some time but now it is your time to reclaim your position.
Pisces – The New Moon in Aquarius will slow down everything temporarily giving you plenty of energy to get back into gear. You are approaching your season soon and will have plenty of opportunities to start brand new. With Venus in your sign, bringing a sweetness to the coldness of Saturn ruled seasons, you will be in your element. Try to find ways to reenergize and bring back the focus on you and your well-being. You, along with many other people, will have the courage to dream again.