What The Full Moon In Capricorn Means For Each Zodiac Sign

What The Full Moon In Capricorn Means For Each Zodiac Sign

Full Moon in Capricorn will hit us on July 16th, 2019. This is also a Partial Lunar Eclipse. Capricorn is the Cardinal force and it is symbolic of the Aries nature. Through the sign we learn what it means to become stronger and get our heads in the game. The Solar Eclipse in the sign of Cancer focused on our emotional well being, how we could put ourselves in check to remove any mental blockages that will make us unable to thrive. Our challenges have been to learn the not to allow ourselves to be afraid of restrictions but to work and find a balance. At out core we are fighting and dealing with self-preservation, so do not stop hustling, inspiring and dreaming even when Saturn makes us feel guilty and depressed. The year is half way over, but we still have a lot of growing to do. Success is in our horizon.

Aries – With the Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, you will be focusing on the renovation as you begin to rebuild and feel renewed. The shifts experienced this year for many of you have not been easy at all. You have been powering through relentlessly and it may have felt like your world was crumbling. The dichotomy of the home base compared to the work front may have brought on more anxiety, but you will learn how to bring balance to this. With new wisdom you are able to build a new path to success.

Taurus – You have learned from past mistakes and this eclipse in Capricorn will teach you a lot more about what needs to be changed in your life to manifest those dreams to reality. There have been hardships and challenges faced by you, especially with Uranus in your sign, moving you to be more compulsive and to contest the status quo. Keep your head in the game and trust yourself. Your world will feel expansive and you might want to seek the help of others to help in your spiritual growth.

Gemini – A Moon in Capricorn lighting your life, you will experience how you use your status of power and control. There will be pressures felt as Saturn’s grips and the Lunar energy keep you grounded when you are trying to break free. It is a good time to relinquish any negative habits and to practice change. To those you may have hurt, this is a perfect opportunity to make amends. Make sure to reflect and find ways to truly grow that will allow for you to mature mentally and spiritually.

Cancer – The Lunar Eclipse will show the value of preserving those who are worth it in your life. It can be hard for you to let go, but you must learn to understand the value of “I” or juvenile “Me.” Put yourself first and you shall thrive. Do not be restricted by the opinions of others and their behaviors. Be free in your expression and self-acceptance. The same themes repeat themselves from the Solar Eclipse and that is your worth. Your talents alone will enable you to find success and the soul of your sign will make it easy to forgive yourself and be enamored again with who you have become.

Leo – Your time to shine is now with this Cardinal eclipse allowing you to thrive in whatever work path you are on. The energy needed to get things done is blessing you now, so take advantage of it. However, if you reject it, you will experience the consequences afterwards, since Saturn will make sure you remember it. Work hard and play hard so you won’t burn yourself out. Leo wants the luxe life, the attention and the glory and what better time to do it when the eclipse is amongst us right before Leo season.

Virgo – The perfect time to show off the new and improved version of you. Carefree, full of love and bursting with energy. However, Saturn will still make you feel cold inside and will question how much you want to express yourself. In order to tune into this energy, you will have to rid yourselves of the fear or being rejected, hated and not getting the attention you seek. Do not be afraid to have fun and experience. Do not be afraid to let people into your lives. Try to accept happiness.

Libra – Balance is in your name, but this is easy for you compared to your impulsive sister sign, Aries. With this Eclipse in the sign of Capricorn, you will find that your safe heaven will thrive as you begin to create and establish a sense of order in your life. Cardinal signs have had it tough, but you have learned to create the best foundations in your moments of darkness. Finding that inner strength and power will enable you to further your goals and dreams so keep at it.

Scorpio – This is the period for growth and understanding as you begin to learn from the past. Do not let the mistakes haunt you as you seek answers to those questions that have been burning in your mind. Let things go, let people in and learn to be more accepting. Scorpios are perfectionists, so when something does not go your way or if you have been betrayed, it can linger with you for a long time. Release the pain through self-expression such as through writing and other forms of art.

Sagittarius – After experiencing Saturn’s grips when it was in Sagittarius, you felt your power slipping away. With this Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, you will understand once more the importance of harnessing your power because letting is slip will let you fall into an abyss. Your financial life will come into play, as you contemplate how sturdy you may feel in your current state. Some paranoia might be felt during this transit, as you fastidiously try to preserve the power in your life. Take it easy and plan accordingly.

Capricorn – The Lunar Eclipse in your sign will give you the rightful boost needed to take on the world. Cardinal energy will flow through you as manifest that key needed to change your destiny. This is the time to start things in your mind and trust your instincts. If you have creative projects in the works, this period of time can prove favorable as the ideas will also come through for you. You will also feel a boost of confidence as the changes begin to hit you intensely.

Aquarius – This Lunar Eclipse can feel like a blessing and a curse for you since you may experience restless nights, or you might just be glued to your bed, always wanting to sleep and rest more. Recharge the batteries and get ready because this eclipse will bring about some radical thought processes that can prove key to your future. Make sure to dream big and pay attention to those dreams since they might surprise you.

Pisces – One of the most blissful moments you will experience will be during this eclipse in Capricorn. If you have been feeling lonely, you will see the value in those people close to you that have continuously been there to champion you and support you. It will be a very interesting couple of months as you connect and preserve friendships and connections. This is your new awakening, a time to shine brightly and to be cautious about those you let into your life.

About the author

A.T. Nunez

Love astrology and wasting hours writing things I can’t finish.