This Is What To Expect From The New Moon In Pisces Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Pisces Season allows for us to connect, feel the compassion of our fellow neighbors and it allows for us to tap into our inner desire to make changes in the world. Use this New Moon to make changes and heal yourselves as well as those around you.
A.T. Nunez
The New Moon in Pisces will occur on March 17th, 2019 and it will serve as a guide in healing for all of us. This will be an important day because it will be the final cycle of this Pisces Season and we will soon be entering the passionate Aries Season. There was a powerful stellium earlier this season which allowed us to do some much needed “karmic” healing. We revisited old wounds, we learned, we looked for some form of outer worldly messages and connections and then we healed some more. Now is the moment to reach the second stage that will allow us to grow and progress even more. We have been bombarded with news and scandals ranging from the political realm getting more heated, as we witnessed how the government has enforced the gag rule. The rising tensions in Venezuela, the tragic plane crash in Ethiopia and the need for more love and compassion in this world. Pisces Season allows for us to connect, feel the compassion of our fellow neighbors and it allows for us to tap into our inner desire to make changes in the world. Use this New Moon to make changes and heal yourselves as well as those around you.
Aries – The New Moon falls into your house of dreams and illusions. A moment to break free from the world as you take a deep breath and continue to stay in the shadows until it is your time to shine. This is the time to practice patience and to bite your tongue. Sometimes, you just have to let things go and not engage in fruitless battles.
Taurus – Use the energy here to help those around you, to be a little more selfless and to focus on what makes you happy. The things that have not served you should be let go. Trust in your instincts as well as your heart, dear Taurus. It is easy to remain impatient, but make sure you believe in yourself in order to manifest what you have been dreaming of.
Gemini – With your career on the spotlight during this New Moon in Pisces, you can just feel your future shining brightly. This is the perfect time to make a wish, set some goals and trust them. If you reach a position of power (or are currently in one), make sure to practice compassion and honesty. There will be more responsibility thrown your way, so set the right example and do not be afraid to dream.
Cancer – You will be a mentor for many during this New Moon in Pisces. Water signs understand emotions on a spiritual level and with everyone feeling the pressure of this season, you will help and guide others through it. There will be demanding and challenging work ahead for you this year, but you can handle it. Be understanding, be compassionate and patient.
Leo – Leo will feel the healing energy from the New Moon in Pisces this month, as you break away with the chains of the past and make way for the future. Forgive yourself, put your best foot forward and trust yourself. Saturn has made you work hard and now you can feel that things will be lighter for you as we all get ready for Aries Season.
Virgo – Analyzing the environment around you will be the highlight of this New Moon in Pisces. Virgo likes to research and confirm things over and over again. With the help of others, you will find the answers that you have been looking for, as you begin new plans to pave the way for those big dreams and visions you have. The sky is the limit for you, as you feel liberated to dream and prosper.
Libra – The New Moon in Pisces will highlight some changes that need to be made in your routines. There might be a need to take care of others, to protect them and give them much needed guidance. Your heart will provide reassurance and love to those in your life that are dear to you. A beautiful moment to show your doting and devoted side, as you continue to grow from past experiences.
Scorpio – Surprisingly, you can find some pleasures and comfort during this New Moon in Pisces. Let go, breathe and relax. This is the time to gift yourself with some pampering because you need the TLC. Use the energy to bring love and harmony to others who might need it. You are a beacon of light and hope, so use that optimism to craft wonders not only for yourself, but for others.
Sagittarius – There is a focus on healing relationships between those who are close to you. Forgiveness will do you wonders during this New Moon in Pisces as you close old chapters and start fresh ones. There could also be a wave of creativity that may inspire you to make changes to your ever-evolving style. This is a time to reminisce about the past and heal wounds from many years ago.
Capricorn – It is a very fruitful time for you mentally, Capricorn. You will exhibit some mental stimulation during this New Moon in Pisces. Your words can impact and heal others, you might feel compelled to share more of your thoughts through the blogging sphere or on social media. Ideas that come to you will be inspiring and filled with magic. This is a good time to focus on a dream journal.
Aquarius – With the extra income, you should be able to invest in things that will help you in the long run. Clear out some debt, start investing in a new project or (if you have the disposable cash), donate to some charitable causes. Use your newfound financial wisdom to grow and learn from past mistakes. This New Moon will teach you how worthy of greatness you are.
Pisces – You have gone through tough battles and faced challenges. There is a warrior within you and this New Moon will allow for you to heal and transform as you gear up for Aries Season. Even if you have not felt optimistic or any sense of joy, you will feel enlightened. Your struggle was worth the pain in the long run because it allowed for you to get some thicker skin.