If You Want A Successful Relationship, You Have To Put In Effort
If you want a successful relationship, you’re going to have to put in the effort. You’re going to have to give your person love and attention, even when you’re tired, even when you’re stressed, even when you’re not in the mood to deal with people.
If you want a successful relationship, you’re going to have to put in the effort. You’re going to have to give your person love and attention, even when you’re tired, even when you’re stressed, even when you’re not in the mood to deal with people. You’re going to have to be there for each other, even when it’s inconvenient, even when you have a million other things to get done that day.
If you want a successful relationship, you’re going to have to make sure you give as much as you receive. You’re going to have to make sure your person feels loved, valued, and appreciated. You’re going to have to make sure you put in enough work each and every day so your person doesn’t feel like they’re stuck doing the heavy lifting alone.
If you want a successful relationship, you’re going to have to put effort into planning, into date nights, into acting romantic. You’re going to have to figure out ways to keep the relationship fresh and exciting once the puppy love stage is over because falling into a routine can mean falling into a rut.
If you want a successful relationship, you’re going to have to put effort into other relationships that are associated with your relationship. You’re going to have to invite your person’s parents over to dinner. You’re going to have to hang out with their best friends. You’re going to have to treat their loved ones as well as you treat them.
If you want a successful relationship, you’re going to have to put effort into giving compliments, into making your person feel beautiful, into giving them enough affection. You’re going to have to hold their hand and give massages and kiss their forehead. You’re going to have to make sure they know how much you love cuddling and touching their skin, even if there isn’t any chance you’re going to sleep together, because you love them for more than sex.
If you want a successful relationship, you’re going to have to put effort into housework, into chores, into the most boring, mundane tasks. You’re going to have to take turns washing dishes and laundry. You’re going to have to be the designated driver some nights and grocery shop other nights. You’re going to have to work as a team in order to get everything done.
If you want a successful relationship, you’re going to have to put effort into yourself. You’re going to have to take care of your physical and mental health so you live a long, healthy life. You’re going to have to handle your baggage to make sure you can be there for your person when they need you. You’re going to have to make it your mission to become a better person, to give your partner everything they deserve and more.
If you want a successful relationship, you’re going to have to put in effort. You’re going to have to take your commitment seriously. You’re going to have to give your person all the love you have to give.