When You're In The Wrong Relationship, It Destroys Every Part Of Your World 
Jenny Woods

When You’re In The Wrong Relationship, It Destroys Every Part Of Your World 

When you're in a toxic relationship, it consumes you. It creates a chain reaction that influences every part of your world.


When you’re in a toxic relationship, it consumes you. It creates a chain reaction that influences every part of your world. Your work will suffer. Your friendships will suffer. Your mental health will suffer. Your toxic relationship will take everything down along with it.

When you’re in a toxic relationship, it puts a strain on your friendships. Either they warn you to break up with your person which starts a huge fight between the two of you — or you slowly start to distance yourself from them in order to create the illusion you’re okay. After all, if you spent too much time with them, they would notice something was off. They would be able to sense your relationship was toxic.

When you’re in a toxic relationship, your mental health takes a hit. Your insecurities come out in full swing. You find yourself snapping for no reason. You become paranoid. You experience mood swings. You cry more. You scream more. You complain more. You feel like you’re slowly going crazy and aren’t sure how to make it stop.

When you’re in a toxic relationship, even your physical health degrades. You notice pimples raising on your skin. You notice yourself eating more (or hardly eating at all). You notice you’re coming down with colds more often. Your stress lowers your immune system. It makes you feel as crummy as you do inside on the outside.

When you’re in a toxic relationship, you have trouble concentrating at work. You’re unable to put in your best effort. Half of your attention is always somewhere else. You’re always distracted by nasty text messages (or unanswered text messages). You’re either replaying the fight you had last night or you’re stalling in order to prolong your work day so you don’t have to go home and face each other again.

When you’re in a toxic relationship, you spend less and less time focusing on yourself. You give up your hobbies. You stop pursuing your passions. You don’t have time to think about what you want, because you are always worried about what they want. All of your attention is on your relationship, on your person. They take over your entire life.

When you’re in a toxic relationship, you neglect your work, you neglect your friends, you neglect your family, you neglect your hobbies. Worst of all, you neglect yourself. Everything becomes about your relationship. It’s the only thing you’re able to think about because the stress is too intense to ignore.

When you’re in a toxic relationship, you forget about what matters the most to you. You become a shell of your former self. You become someone you don’t even recognize. You become someone you don’t even like.

When you’re in a toxic relationship, every piece of your world starts to fall apart. In order to rebuild what you have lost, you need to end the relationship. You need to walk away. You need to decide you deserve better than what you have been settling for lately. Thought Catalog Logo Mark