I Don’t Feel Bad About Being Single, Because I Am Comfortable Alone

Single girl who is comfortable alone
Unsplash / Marc A. Sporys

I don’t feel bad about being single, because I am comfortable on my own. I enjoy the quiet. I welcome the silence. I like having the bed all to myself and don’t feel weird only cooking for one. I enjoy lazy days. I enjoy my own company. I enjoy spending time alone. It doesn’t bother me. It doesn’t make me feel lonely.

I don’t feel bad about being single, because I am happier on my own than I have ever been in the past. Now, I have the time to focus on my passions. Now, I have the energy to chase after what I want in the working world. Now, I can act selfish by making choices that are best for me without worrying about hurting anyone else in the process.

I don’t feel bad about being single, because I love myself. I know that I am a catch. I know that I would make an excellent partner. I know that anyone would be lucky to have me in their life. I haven’t let my relationship status trick me into thinking that I am unattractive or unlovable. I know that is not the case. I know that I am valuable. I know what I deserve.

I don’t feel bad about being single, because I am thriving in so many areas of my life. I am working more. I am seeing my friends more. I am exercising more. But I am also sleeping more. I am relaxing more. I have found a way to manage my time to get the most out of twenty-four hours. I consider myself a success, because I have finally found a balance that brings me peace.

I don’t feel bad about being single, because I know that I am not alone. I have friends who will tag along when I want to eat brunch or see a movie or take a road trip. I have parents who will answer the phone at any time of night. I have pets who will sleep beside me in bed. I am surrounded by people who care about me, so I never doubt my own worth.

I don’t feel bad about being single, because I am not a piece of meat. I am not a trophy. I am not someone’s property. I am my own person. I have my own life — and I am kicking ass at it.

I don’t feel bad about being single, because it is better than putting all of my effort into someone toxic. I have been in relationships that have drained me. I have been in relationships that forced me to sacrifice my true self. I have been in relationships that turned me into someone I am not. If I have to choose between a relationship like that and living the single life, then I will happily choose the latter.

If someone comes along who is the right fit for me, who makes me feel sparks when we kiss and at ease when we cuddle, then I will give that person a shot. But until then, I don’t feel bad about being single. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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