This Is To Every Girl Who Has Ever Tried A Little Too Hard

The ones who believe in love despite a lot of heartbreak.


This is to every girl who thinks very carefully about what to say and when you say it.

The ones who think a little too deeply into what seems like a simple ‘like.’

This is to every girl who starts conversations because she wants to hear from someone who doesn’t even think twice about her.

The girls who miss people and aren’t afraid to say it.

The one’s who are told their vulnerability is a weakness.

This is to every girl who is told she needs to change and be different than who she is to win someone over.

This is to every girl who couldn’t be fake if she tried.

This is to every girl who has ever gotten her hopes up and been disappointed.

The ones who wear their hearts on their sleeve and aren’t afraid of getting hurt.

This is to every girl who listens a little too closely to lyrics.

This is every girl who has ever cried herself to sleep over some boy who didn’t deserve her, all the while she analyzed what she did wrong.

This is to every girl who cringes when she gets a plus 1 invite and ducks out to the bathroom right before the slow dance.

This is to every girl who ever been canceled on last minute.

Smiling and hiding the disappointment because she was looking forward to it but in the back of her mind expected to be disappointed.

This is to every girl who answers texts to quickly and doesn’t care to play the dating game.

The ones who believe dating should be as simple as ‘I like you, you like me let’s do this.’

To every girl has ever been told she’s too easy to read.

This is to every girl who doesn’t hurt others because they’d never want someone to feel the way they have.

This is to every girl who has ever been dumped and watched a relationship slip between her fingers doing everything she could have to save it.

The one who cried on the bathroom floor holding his sweatshirt not knowing why it ended.

This is to every girl who has had to be strong enough to pick up the broken pieces of her heart.

The one who looks back at the pictures and still believes love is there.

To every hopeless romantic who has been told they are wrong.

This is to every girl who has woken up and put on a smile even though you and I both know you cried yourself to sleep.

To every girl who is broken but still loves anyway.

This is to every girl who has ever heard everything she’s ever wanted just a little too late.

The girls who look at their reflection wondering if it’s their flaws that make them wrong.

The ones who try too hard.

The ones who love too deeply.

The ones who believe in love despite a lot of heartbreak.

The ones who give chances like it’s something free to be handed to someone.

This is to every girl who has ever gone more than halfway.

The ones who would do anything for the people they care about.

But would never ask for help in return.

This is to every girl who never says no even if it’s an inconvenience to them.

To the girls who make sacrifices for the boys who don’t care.

The ones who say I love you and the boys reply, ‘I know.’

To every girl who has ever been used and abused and ignored.

The ones who mistake making love for being in it.

The girls who answer every text and snap regardless of if they’ve been ignored by that same person.

The girls who defend these boys against everyone because they believe in the person they are.

I want you to know believing in them is a strength, not weakness.

This is to every girl who has never gotten what they deserve but believes that they deserve it.

The girls who have faith in people despite being let down.

The ones who believe ‘maybe this new person won’t be the one to hurt me.’

This is to every girl who has been told she’s not good enough or pretty enough or skinny enough or smart enough or his type and that’s why he doesn’t like me.

This is to every girl who has given it her all, only watch him commit to someone after, when he told you he ‘wasn’t the relationship type.’

This is to every girl who still believes in love.

I want you to know one day you will get what you deserve.

This is to every girl who thinks they are flawed.

I want you to know you’re beautiful.

To every girl who has spent a little too long getting ready.

I want you to know you’re beautiful without the effort.

To every girl who has spent days staring at your phone.

I want you to know one day he will answer.

This is to every girl who has ever settled and accepted less than she deserved.

You and I both know it wasn’t out of lack of self-esteem.

It was your belief in someone else that kept you going.

I want you to know it takes a rare type of person to see the good in someone when you’re presented with bad.

This is to every girl who refuses to settle.

I want you to know it’ll happen soon.

This is to every girl who hasn’t gotten what she’s deserved YET.

I want you to hold onto faith.

I don’t want you to change.

Because one day everything you continue to give to people who don’t deserve it, will come back to ten folds.

Trust me. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Kirsten Corley

Writer living in Hoboken, NJ with my 2 dogs.