80 Thoughts Every Person With Anxiety Has On a Regular Basis
1. Have I worded this text correctly?
*Re-reads text.*
2. What is the proper emoji? And are exclamation points too eager?
*Re-reads text again.*
3. Do I send it?
*Sends it.*
*Re-reads text after sending it.*
4. Why are they taking so long to answer?
*Re-reads text.*
5. How long has it been?
*Looks at the time.*
6. Maybe they don’t have their phone on them?
7. I wonder if they took this the wrong way?
8. Do I send another text?
9. Are they mad?
10. Maybe they are mad about something else?
*Thinks back…*
*Completely makes up the situation.*
*Sees someone I had a falling out in the past with.*
11. Do I say something?
12. I wonder if they’ve forgiven me?
13. I haven’t even forgiven myself for it.
14. I hope they aren’t still mad.
Every situation
15. Am I overthinking this?
16. Or are my analytical skills so spot on I’m right?
17. Am I going to lose my friends and/or relationship over this?
General worries
18. Did I turn off the stove?
19. Did I lock the door?
20. Turn around to double check.
In School
21. I have so much to do I haven’t even started yet.
*Cries because of how overwhelmed I feel.*
22. Did I prepare enough for this?
23. I need to get an A.
24. I should have prepared more.
25. What if I fail?
26. What will happen then?
*Says yes to everything, bites off more than I can chew.*
27. Will I get everything done?
28. Will I let people down?
29. Can I do this?
In the Workplace
30. Am I pulling my weight?
31. Can I do more?
32. Do my co-workers like me?
33. I hope they like me.
34. Did I mess up?
35. Will this get me fired?
Social Media
*Sends Snapchat*
*Sends Snap Message*
*Likes something on Facebook*
*Likes something on Instagram*
*Tags someone on Instagram*
*Sends a message on Facebook*
*Comments on a photo*
*Read Receipt = Worst Nightmare*
*Using Dating Apps*
Who is going to be the first to say something and will they answer?
*Regrets every form of contact that isn’t reciprocated.*
*All leads to overthinking everything and wonder if it’s something more.*
Going to bed.
*Doesn’t sleep.*
36. What is on tomorrow’s to-do list and schedule?
37. Will there be enough time?
*Worries too much about the future.*
*Thinks too much about the past.*
*Thinks about mistakes.*
*Beats myself up over the things and people I might’ve wronged.*
*Constantly worries about people leaving.*
38. I can’t go to sleep!
39. I’m exhausted it’s 3 am.
*Finally falls asleep.*
*Wakes up tired a few hours later.*
Meeting someone new
40. Should I just turn the other way and end this before it begins?
41. Can I send the first text?
42. Am I coming on too strong?
43. Am I caring too much?
44. Should I apologize for X?
45. Will they cancel?
46. I wonder what they really think of me?
47. I wonder if I’ll mess this up?
*Replays old relationships fearing history repeating itself.*
Dating and relationships
48. Are they cheating?
49. Who are they talking to?
50. Is it an ex?
51. Will this end?
52. Will I get hurt?
53. I know this situation is nothing but it’s still upsetting me.
54. Will they think I’m crazy if I tell them what I’m worried about?
55. I’m afraid to open up to them.
56. Being vulnerable is a sign of weakness.
At a party
57. I’m a bit overwhelmed right now with this crowd.
*Watches everyone very closely, observing.*
*Looks for someone to talk to.*
58. I wonder if people realize how uncomfortable I am?
59. I wonder if people even want me here?
*Drinks entirely too quickly*
*Starts to feel more comfortable.*
*Starts talking to everyone.*
*Keeps drinking.*
*Wakes up the next day regretting it.*
60. Did I make an ass of myself last night?
61. Did I offend anyone?
62. Should I apologize?
63. Do they hate me for this?
*Calls someone to apologize.*
64. Why haven’t I heard from so and so in a while?
65. I wonder if they’re mad at me.
*Values current friends more than they know.*
*Tells exact details of something that happened.*
*Analyzes every possible angle and draws different conclusions.*
*Friends reply with, ‘you’re thinking too much.’*
*Counts blessings for friends who haven’t left.*
*Says thank you too often.*
*Shows appreciation through gestures.*
66. They accept me but I know they worry about me more than I worry about everything.
67. I hate disappointing them.
68. I don’t feel good enough sometimes.
*Compares self to siblings.*
69. Can I do more or be more successful?
70. If something happened to them I don’t know what I’d do.
*Thinks about worst case scenario and almost breaks down.*
Running late
*Hits every red light*
*Curses at self.*
71. I should have left earlier.
72. I should have gotten up earlier.
73. I hate being late.
*Checks clock every five minutes.*
When anything goes wrong
*Breaks down in private, completely falling apart over something outside my control.*
Every day
74. I hate that I’m like this.
75. I wish I could think less.
76. I wish I cared less.
77. I wish my mind would slow down.
78. I wish I’d stop worrying.
79. But this is who I am.
80. I have to accept this.
*Goes to sleep.*
*Does it all again tomorrow.*