Read This If You Don’t Feel Like You Have The Strength Inside Yourself To Keep On Going
Don't stop climbing. Don't stop swimming. Don't you dare give up. Because even though we go through devastation and wreckage, the days and years of magic make it all worth it.
Life has always been an incredibly bumpy ride. It can go from being downright cruel one day, to magnificent the next. And it can hand you days where you feel like you are permanently wrecked. But, the truth of the matter is that, life will never hand us things that we won’t be able to get through.
Life will you hand you years of strong currents and waves that will knock you down right when you’re able to float again.
It will suck you through a tsunami of tears, of unimaginable sadness and of heartache that you have never felt before.
Life feels like climbing the tallest mountain in the universe. You spend years preparing and practicing, but once you start to climb, it snows and it pours. You will freeze with profound anger that will grab ahold of you at the worst times. But, you have to decide to keep on trying. Go through every obstacle. Go through every thunderstorm that comes your way.
You have to continue climbing, step by step, until you finally reach the top. And that my friends, will feel like magic. And it will be magic. Because you’re magic.
And that’s just the thing about life. Just when you have hit rock bottom and feel like there is no point in living anymore, you’ll get the news that you got the job you always have wanted. You’ll meet someone new. You’ll get over your ex. You’ll make a great friend. You’ll celebrate a birthday.
And you’ll pop champagne just because.
And then the tears will fall once again. You’ll get lonely. You’ll feel alone and stung with rejection. You’ll have a death in the family. You’ll slide into depression. You’ll be in complete darkness once again.
And just like that, you’ll see the light again.
Don’t stop climbing. Don’t stop swimming. Don’t you dare give up. Because even though we go through devastation and wreckage, the days and years of magic make it all worth it.
Keep climbing for the magic. Keep walking for the magic. It will come one day. Just like it always has.