33 Creepy ‘Never Have I Evers’ That Will Tell You Which Friend To Stay Away From
Never have I ever found a serial killer (or any other real life criminal) attractive.

1. Never have I ever taken a photo of a hot person when they weren’t looking.
2. Never have I ever found a serial killer (or any other real life criminal) attractive.
3. Never have I ever masturbated to someone I’m related to by blood.
4. Never have I ever watched a YouTube video of someone getting murdered or tortured.
5. Never have I ever watched someone sleep for an extended period of time.
6. Never have I ever genuinly wished someone else was dead.
7. Never have I ever slept with someone that was old enough to be my mother/father.
8. Never have I ever written a disturbing story, poem, or song lyrics.
9. Never have I ever rooted for the villain in a movie, because I related to him more than the hero.
10. Never have I ever watched disturbing porn–and gotten off from it.
11. Never have I ever hurt someone (physically or emotionally) and felt absolutely no remorse.
12. Never have I ever laughed at a car crash.
13. Never have I ever smelled someone’s hair.
14. Never have I ever done something illegal–aside from smoking pot and blowing a red light.
15. Never have I ever purposely listened in on my roommates having sex.
16. Never have I ever kept a pair of someone else’s underwear.
17. Never have I ever stolen from a friend’s house.
18. Never have I ever lied to someone to ruin their relationship.
19. Never have I ever watched someone get dressed or undressed, even though they didn’t realize I was there.
20. Never have I ever kissed someone I wasn’t dating while they were sleeping.
21. Never have I ever broke into someone’s house when they weren’t around.
22. Never have I ever enjoyed the taste of my own blood.
23. Never have I ever listened to songs with violent lyrics on a loop all day long.
24. Never have I ever talked to my parents or my grandparents about my sex life–in too much detail.
25. Never have I ever spent hours Facebook stalking a crush or an ex.
26. Never have I ever tried to hack into my crush’s accounts to read their messages.
27. Never have I ever called someone and then hung up after they answered.
28. Never have I ever gotten so obsessed with a celebrity that I pointlessly hated the person they were dating.
29. Never have I ever had sex in my parent’s bed.
30. Never have I ever lied to the police.
31. Never have I ever watched someone through their bedroom window.
32. Never have I ever masturbated while a family member was still in the room with me.
33. Never have I ever been afraid of what I’m capable of.