Fall In Love With Someone Who Will Fight Like Hell For You
Fall in love with the type of person who wants to build a home with you. Who wants to build a family with you. And who wants to say "I do" to you. Fall in love with someone who actually f***ing tries.
Fall in love with someone who will fight like hell for you. Who will do everything in their power to be with you, no matter what obstacles come their way.
Fall in love with someone who will be there for you on your most terrible days. Fall in love with someone who wants to love you, not just have sex with you. Fall in love with someone who will be with you even if their family is against it.
Fall in love with someone who ignores the criticism, who ignores the stares. Who never lets you feel worried about your future with them.
No matter the distance, the time changes, the stressed out days, fall in love with someone who doesn’t care about that. Fall in love with someone who welcomes the challenge, because they know it won’t get in the way.
Fall in love with someone who will run through hoops for you. Who will sprint through a thunderstorm to get to you. Who you can trust that when they say “forever”, they actually mean it.
Fall in love with someone who didn’t believe in fate before they met you. And who didn’t believe in soulmates until they met you.
Fall in love with someone who is kind to your mother, and who isn’t afraid of your father. Fall in love with someone who gets to know your siblings and best friends, because they know how important that is to you.
Fall in love with someone who never gives up. Who knows that you two have something incredible. And who won’t let that go. Fall in love with the type of person who wants to build a home with you. Who wants to build a family with you. And who wants to say “I do” to you.
Don’t date someone who doubts they will have a future with you. Who says you are too young. Who only is dating for fun. Who only wants to mess around. Who only wants a fling.
Fall in love with someone who is serious about your commitment to one another. Who doesn’t take the magic you have granted and who knows how lucky they are to have you in their life.
Fall in love with someone who won’t throw in the towel after a bad argument. Who still won’t stop loving you when you are at your worst. And still finds something new to love about you every single day. And who sees you two as a team instead of as two individuals.
Fall in love with someone who actually f***ing tries. And who treasures you like no one else could. Fall in love with someone who cares enough to fight like hell for you, always.