20 Quotes From The Greatest Love Letters Of The 20th Century

I don't ask you to love me always like this, but I ask you to remember. Somewhere inside of me there will always be the person I am tonight.


1. I don’t ask you to love me always like this, but I ask you to remember. Somewhere inside of me there will always be the person I am tonight. – F. Scott Fitzgerald

2. I love you more than anybody in the world… I love you for millions and millions of things, clocks and vampires and dirty nails and squiggly paintings and lovely hair and being dizzy and falling dreams. – Dylan Thomas

3. I just miss you, in a quite simple desperate human way. I miss you even more than I could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal. So this letter is really just a squeal of pain. – Vita Sackville-West

4. I don’t want to live – I want to love first, and live incidentally. – Zelda Fitzgerald

5. There are several kinds of love. One is a selfish, mean, grasping, egotistical thing which uses love for self-importance. This is the ugly and crippling kind. The other is an outpouring of everything good in you — of kindness and consideration and respect — not only the social respect of manners but the greater respect which is recognition of another person as unique and valuable. The first kind can make you sick and small and weak but the second can release in you strength, and courage and goodness and even wisdom you didn’t know you had. – John Steinbeck

6. Your word travels the entirety of space and reaches my cells which are my stars then goes to yours which are my light. – Frida Kahlo

7. I cannot get that beautiful afternoon out of my head, above me where I lay the grass was silhouetted against the blue of the heavens, small clouds were rushing past as the wind drove them on an endless journey. Then close to me was the most lovely of all, your soft hair against my cheek, your kisses so cool and unearthly and my happiness so great. – Julia Lee-Booker

8. My love for you tonight is so deep and tender that it seems to be outside myself as well. – Katherine Mansfield

9. Nothing has happened as we imagined it would except our children. We never thought we’d roam the world. We never thought our occupations and interests would cover such a range. We never thought that our thirty-third anniversary would find us deep in our second war and me again at the front. Well, darling, we’ve lived up to the most important part of the ceremony, “In sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, till death do you part.” – Theodore Roosevelt Jr.

10. I told you once that [our marriage] was like an adolescent’s dream of what marriage should be like. That hasn’t changed. – Ronald Reagan

11. I have a thousand images of you in an hour; all different and all coming back to the same. I think of you once against a sky line: and on the hill that Sunday morning. The light and the shadow and quietness and the rain and the wood. And you. Your arms and lips and hair and shoulders and voice – you. – Rupert Brooke

12. You might drop your heart into me and you’d never hear it touch bottom. – Katherine Mansfield

13. I answer one of your letters, then lie in bed in apparent calm, but my heart beats through my entire body and is conscious only of you. I belong to you; there is really no other way of expressing it, and that is not strong enough. – Franz Kafka

14. I hurt with the insatiate longing, until I feel that there will never be any relief until I take a long, deep, wild draught on your lips. – Warren Harding

15. Happiness is within you… so unlock the chains from your heart and let yourself grow— like the sweet flower you are. I know the answer— just spread your wings and set yourself free. – Jimi Hendrix

16. The fire and excitement may be gone now that we don’t go out there and sing them anymore, but the ring of fire still burns around you and I, keeping our love hotter than a pepper sprout. – Johnny Cash

17. As one needs happiness so have I needed love; that is the deepest need of the human spirit. And as I love you utterly, so have you now become the whole world of my spirit. It is beside and beyond anything that you can ever do for me; it lies in what you are, dear love — to me so infinitely lovely that to be near you, to see you, hear you, is now the only happiness, the only life, I know. – Rockwell Kent

18. Dearest — my body is simply crazy with wanting you — If you don’t come tomorrow — I don’t see how I can wait for you — I wonder if your body wants mine the way mine wants yours — the kisses — the hotness — the wetness — all melting together — the being held so tight that it hurts — the strangle and the struggle. – Georgia O’Keefe

19. I came in at half past eleven. Since then I have been sitting in an easy chair like a fool. I could do nothing. I hear nothing but your voice. I am like a fool hearing you call me ‘Dear.’ I offended two men today by leaving them coolly. I wanted to hear your voice, not theirs. When I am with you I leave aside my contemptuous, suspicious nature. I wish I felt your head on my shoulder. – James Joyce

20. As always, a million heartfelt thanks for bringing such joy into this chick’s life. – Princess Diana Thought Catalog Logo Mark