11 Things The Girl You Love Deserves

The girl you love deserves time with her friends, and screw you if you don't think so. She deserves happy hour after work, company parties for employees only, and drinks with old college friends who are in town for the weekend.


The Office
The Office

(1) The girl you love deserves you texting back something other than “Ok” when she asks if you want to meet her for dinner after work. Don’t do that. If you want to meet her for dinner after work, you know you feel more than just an “Ok.” You feel a “Yes please,” “Definitely,” or even a “Sure.” It doesn’t take any more time or effort. The girl you love deserves more than an “Ok.”

(2) The girl you love deserves a vacation, but not a vacation that she has to plan. She deserves someone who will plan it for her. She deserves not to think a thing about how you guys are going to get there, what you guys are going to do, and how you guys are going to do it. The girl you love plans practically everything you two do together during your “real lives” (without complaint, because she loves you — but that doesn’t mean the responsibility isn’t a burden sometimes), and she deserves just as much from you, too.

(3) The girl you love deserves to be on your team. She deserves to be on your side. She deserves more benefit of the doubt than anyone else in your life. It’s the girl you love and you against the world, and she deserves for you to never forget that.

(4) The girl you love deserves to know what you’re thinking. You’re not obligated to explain yourself to anyone else, but if you won’t try to communicate how you feel to the girl you love, then maybe you don’t deserve her love. The girl you love deserves that communication reserved only for her, because she’s the only person in the world who is responsible enough to handle it.

(5) The girl you love deserves to take care of you. She deserves to hear your problems with work. She deserves to hear your insecurities, your failures, your shortcomings. The girl you love deserves to help you, because that’s why you chose her. The girl you love is the only one who’s good enough to care for you.

(6) The girl you love deserves time with her friends, and screw you if you don’t think so. She deserves happy hour after work, company parties for employees only, and drinks with old college friends who are in town for the weekend.

(7) The girl you love deserves to be able to show her quirks in front of you. She deserves to carry around that giant bag that makes it so it takes five minutes to find anything. She deserves to somehow get a small pebble stuck in her shoe approximately every 15 minutes and make you stop for her so she can take off her shoe and shake it out. She deserves to always steal your phone charger, and still, somehow, always have a really low battery life on her phone.

(8) The girl you love deserves to take a longer time to get ready to go out than you. She deserves the time to plan for going out the way she is comfortable with. Remember — it’s not just you who wants to have a good time.

(9) The girl you love deserves your reassurance that things are strictly platonic with your girl-friend who you sometimes hang out with. It isn’t unreasonable for her to get at least a little uncomfortable if you regularly hang out with an attractive female friend — and what’s the harm? You love her, so you want her to feel secure. The girl you love deserves this security.

(10) The girl you love deserves the kind of love that’s only available to one person at a time (her). No one else deserves the love she deserves. No one else deserves the texts you send her. And no one else deserves the amount of attention you give her. That’s why you love her in the first place.

(11) The girl you love deserves to see you act in ways you’d never let anyone other than her see. She deserves to hear things you’d never say in front of other people. She deserves the good, the bad, and the ugly things you’re too scared to show to your coworkers, your friends, even your family. The girl you love deserves to see you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark