19 Wonderful Things You Didn’t Know About Costco

Costco is a wonderful place. You can get almost anything within its walls. From watches to beer, computers to bacon, year’s supply of toilet paper to peanut butter, you can be sure you will not walk out of this superstore empty handed.
Costco in Moncton, New Brunswick. image - Stu pendousmat
Costco in Moncton, New Brunswick.
image – Stu pendousmat

1. As of 2013, there are exactly 648 warehouses in 7 countries. They have over 71.2 million card holders, earning over $100 billion in revenue annually.

2. They have over 180,000 employees — full-time and part-time — worldwide.

3. Costco has one of the best store return policies around.

4. You really do save money with Costco. Still not convinced? Read this too.

5. Costco sells funeral supplies. You know, for when you eat the family-size peanut butter and gorge yourself on the peanut M&Ms.

The interior of a typical Costco warehouse club store. image - Coolcaesar
The interior of a typical Costco warehouse club store.
image – Coolcaesar

6. Costco had a feud with Coca Cola and kicked them out of their stores to replace them with Pepsi.

7. A $1 million ring was on sale at one point in its stores.

8. Their employees are paid far better than, say, employees at Walmart. Costco employees get paid an average of $20.89 an hour and 88% of Costco employees have company-sponsored health insurance.

9. In case you’re a believer of the apocalypse, Costco sells survival kits. Including this ridiculous emergency food stash.

10. Since its founding in 1983, Costco has kept its hot dog and soda combination at $1.50. They sold 112 million hot dog and soda combos in 2013.

The foodcourt of the Overland Park, Kansas Costco. image - Jekoln
The foodcourt of the Overland Park, Kansas Costco.
image – Jekoln

11. Costco actively banned veal from their stores in the Northwest. And their policy is to purchase meat from farms that humanely treat their animals.

12. Aisles are deliberately set up so that shoppers put unexpected items into their shopping cart. According to Costco, those items are called “treasures”.

13. Costco sells over 500 million pounds of beef ($5.1 billion) , 61 million pounds of chicken ($331 million).

14. The bible was accidentally labeled fiction at Costco.

15. About 50% of the world’s cashews are bought up by Costco. In turn $300,000 worth of cashews are sold each week at Costco.

image - Flickr / David McKelvey
image – Flickr / David McKelvey

16. The American Pie apple pie was bought at — you guessed it — Costco.

17. The Costco in Lancaster, Pennsylvania has buggy-designated parking spots for the Amish.

18. Business school graduates don’t have much luck getting hired at Costco. This is to maintain their employee culture.

19. Costco tried to be in the upscale home furniture business, but they ended up abandoining the concept in 2009, due to lack of customers. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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