The 10 Best Amanda Bynes Tweets
Amanda Bynes has become notorious for tweeting amusing things and attacking Perez Hilton. Here are some of her funniest Twitter moments.

I want @drake to murder my vagina
– Amanda Bynes (@AmandaBynes) March 22, 2013
Twerking out
– Amanda Bynes (@AmandaBynes) March 22, 2013
I can’t wait to go down on this food
– Amanda Bynes (@AmandaBynes) April 13, 2013
@perezhilton is ugly, has never had a hot boyfriend. He makes being gay look bad! No one wants to be a single parent bc no man wants them
– Amanda Bynes (@AmandaBynes) April 12, 2013
I have an eating disorder so I have a hard time staying thin.
– Amanda Bynes (@AmandaBynes) April 5, 2013
I love the beautiful Kardashian sisters! I wish E picked better photographs of me! I feel pregnant when I’m fat! I’m working out constantly!
– Amanda Bynes (@AmandaBynes) April 9, 2013
You are you who date
– Amanda Bynes (@AmandaBynes) March 17, 2013
Walking with a limp
– Amanda Bynes (@AmandaBynes) March 8, 2013
If I’m not following you on twitter, I hate you
– Amanda Bynes (@AmandaBynes) March 17, 2013
Love is when two people who have been apart for years want to be alone forever
– Amanda Bynes (@AmandaBynes) March 12, 2013