20 Definite Signs He's A Bottom
Are you a top or a bottom? The wrong answer can ruin a perfectly good Saturday night.

If you’re a gay dude you know that probably the most annoying thing you can do when you’re flirting with a new sexual conquest/love interest is not clarify right away whether you are a top or a bottom. Some people love total bottoms, lots love total tops, and many are happy doing whatever. “Top or bottom” is a question you get asked everywhere from Grindr to OKCupid. It’s the same question all your straight friends ask — “Which one of you is the ‘woman’?” Sometimes you’re talking to a really cute guy and you’re hoping and praying he’ll give you the right answer, because the wrong one can be a total deal breaker and/or boner killer. And if you keep pursuing him, that means one of you becomes a reluctant bottom or, even worse, a reluctant top. Nobody wants a reluctant top.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0kqobQRcUo&w=560&h=315%5D
Well, worry no more! Drag queen super trio Willam Belli (RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 4), Detox (Drag Race Season 5), and Vicky Vox, the same broads who gave us the hilarious “Chow Down (at Chick-Fil-A)” YouTube clip, recently dropped the very instructional video “Boy Is A Bottom.” It’s in the spirit of Alicia Keys’ “Girl On Fire,” with a little En Vogue thrown in for camp. Now you’ll be able to spot your bottoms a mile away.