The Worst Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With A Stubborn, Unapologetic Man
The worst relationship of your life will be with an unapologetic man because he will never take responsibility for his actions. Whenever he messes up, he will find a way to pass the blame onto someone else – even you. He won’t want to admit that he could have possibly made a mistake, which means that there’ s no chance of self-growth. There’s no possibility that he’s going to change because he won’t even take the first step and acknowledge that he was in the wrong. He will insist that he’s right, no matter how much it hurts you.
The worst relationship of your life will be with an unapologetic man because you’ll keep having the same problems again and again. Since he won’t be putting any effort into bettering himself, history is bound to repeat itself. He isn’t going to change his behavior, so you’re either going to have to get used to being treated this way – or you’re going to have to leave him. There’s no other option because he isn’t playing ball. He is forcing you to either lower your standards or walk away, and neither of those things are fair to you when the easiest route would be for him to put in a little bit of effort for a change.
The worst relationship of your life will be with an unapologetic man because he will make you feel like you can’t trust your own thoughts. He will diminish your feelings and act like you don’t have the right to be upset with his behavior. After a while, you might start wondering if he’s right and you actually are overreacting because he’s so confident in his stance. But really, you’re entitled to your emotions. You’re allowed to feel however you feel, and you should never let someone convince you that it’s too much.
The worst relationship of your life will be with an unapologetic man because the relationship will be stagnant. You’re not going to grow as a couple because one of you won’t be growing as an individual. You’ll be the only one trying to change for the better. You’ll be putting in the most effort because you’ll be the one trying to problem solve and keep the relationship from falling apart. He won’t care about fixing things after fights because in his mind, he hasn’t done anything wrong. In his mind, there’s nothing for you to be mad about.
The worst relationship of your life will be with an unapologetic man because you deserve someone who is constantly trying to better themselves and be the best partner they can be. Someone who apologizes when they see that they’ve hurt you and does whatever it takes to set things right. You deserve someone who not only acknowledges that they’re human and will screw up from time to time, but someone who takes steps to do better in the future. Someone who learns from their mistakes. Someone who is willing to grow with you and compromise with you to keep the relationship strong.