Unmistakable Signs That Your Person Genuinely Cares About You


Sometimes, it’s hard to tell whether the person you’re interested in dating has good intentions or whether they’re only stringing you along. However, there are a few clues that can help you figure out whether they’re only temporary or genuinely care about you and want to make this relationship work. Here are some signs that your partner genuinely cares about you:

They are always there for you, even when it’s inconvenient. Whenever you need them, they show up. They never leave you hanging, even if they have other items on their schedule. They will drop everything in order to support you when you need them the most. They consider you a priority, so they will pick up whenever you call, even if it’s inconvenient. But they will never make you feel like a bother. They will never make you feel guilty about reaching out to them because they want you to feel like you can rely on them. They want you to trust them wholeheartedly.

They do nice things for you without expecting anything in return. They aren’t sucking up in order to earn brownie points. They aren’t trying to get on your good side, so you’ll give them something that they want. They’re always doing sweet things for you because they genuinely care about you and want to see you smile. They don’t expect you to give them anything in return and they never keep score. They treat you well because doing the opposite would never even occur to them.

They pay attention to your obscure interests. Even though they might not understand your obsession with a certain hobby, band, or TV show, they will pay close attention when you talk about it. They will learn the names of characters and band members. They will listen closely to what you’re saying because they care about whatever you care about. They never want to make you feel like you’re annoying or are being ignored. They want you to feel like you can talk to them about absolutely anything. Nothing is off the table.

They aren’t scared away by your family/friend drama. They aren’t going to run away when things get hard. When someone ends up hurting your feelings or you go through a rough experience, they are going to stand by your side. They are going to have your back. They aren’t going to hang around during the good times and ditch you during the bad times. They’re going to be with you through it all. They believe that you’re in this together. You’re a team. Wherever you go, they go.

They always meet you halfway. They are willing to compromise with you, to sit down with you and talk things through. They never demand to have things their way. They never disregard your opinion or make you feel like your thoughts don’t matter. They respect your opinion and value your happiness. If you’re not seeing eye-to-eye, then they’re going to try to figure out a way to compromise with you so that you’re both happy in the end.