7 INFJ Characters in Movies and TV (That Embody The Light and Dark Sides of This Myers-Briggs Type)

In movies and television, we resonate with characters who have similar personality traits. The rarest personality type in the popular personality test Myers-Briggs, is INFJ (standing for Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, Judging) and is estimated to make up 1-2% of the population. While the Myers-Briggs personality type indicator test has been subjected to scrutiny in the past few years, psychologists who have actually looked more critically into the test assert that it is not any less valid or reliable than any other personality test. These are the movie and television characters that are uniquely INFJ-coded, showcasing the INFJ’s light and dark sides.

Wednesday Addams from Wednesday

Quiet, reserved, intuitive, and sarcastic Wednesday Adams played by Jenna Ortega in the television series Wednesday is a classic INFJ.  Wednesday represents the wonderful weirdness and dynamic uniqueness of the INFJ personality — from her delightfully distinct dance moves to her ruthless delivery of dark cynicism and wit. INFJs are funny even without trying, introspective, investigative and absolutely blunt when it comes to speaking the truth, perfectly captured by Ortega’s portrayal.

Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones 

In the beginning of Game of Thrones, Daenerys represents the INFJ on a mission for justice. She is empathic to those imprisoned by chains and has a talent and resilience for rising to power against all odds. She listens to and carefully observes her foes, strategically unveiling her full power to her enemies only when it is time to do so. She is conscientious, determined, passionate, analytical, and thoughtful. You never know what’s going on in her head unless she tells you — just like an INFJ. While she can be personable to her supporters, friends and lovers, she exudes a quiet dignity and mercilessness which INFJs are known for and it is clear she is formidable in her strength and not one to be messed with. Her vision for her future is a strong one. She builds an army with those who have faith in her and her message — and she does in fact begin building a new world. She goes through numerous traumas and yet still rises above her adversity, even channeling them into triumph. These are all typical INFJ behaviors and traits: they love saving the world and helping the most vulnerable. Many have a rough upbringing or tough experiences that cause them to rely on themselves and become natural leaders.

Unfortunately, the writers of Game of Thrones decided to make Daenerys transition to the “Mad Queen” after she witnessed her dragons and best friend being slaughtered, making her an extreme symbol of what happens when an INFJ loses all control and has nothing left to lose. She thus ends up as a depiction of what happens when an unhealthy INFJ takes the pursuit of power too far in Season 8 and forgets their mission for the greater good. Whatever you may think of Daenerys, she certainly depicts some aspects of both the light and dark sides of the INFJ, even though it is an extreme depiction.

Rory Gilmore from Gilmore Girls

Smart, sassy, enthusiastic and multifaceted Rory Gilmore is another obvious INFJ-coded character representing the studious nature of the INFJ. She always has her nose in a book, is perfectionistic, idealistic, determined and intellectual, yet also quite complicated and flawed. Her romantic relationships tend to be tumultuous and she has a penchant for the bad boys because of her secret thirst for adventure. It is through her relationships that we see she is not the cookie-cutter scholar “good girl” but rather a young woman trying to navigate her authentic desires and yearning to have a meaningful life beyond the traditional milestones of life. This is so INFJ-coded.

Jane Eyre

Scapegoated and outcasted as an orphaned child, Jane Eyre in both the book and the movie represents how INFJs are targeted by others because they dare to be different and tend to be quite special in their gifts. Yet she tackles her adversity with grace, as many INFJs do, and still remains kind, thoughtful, and brave, constantly thinking meaningfully about life and the actions of others. So INFJ!

Arya Stark from Game of Thrones

Arya Stark is another character from Game of Thrones who is quite INFJ coded. Talented, resilient, and merciless to those on her list, no one ever sees her coming. INFJs tend to be underestimated due to their seemingly demure nature and certainly no one ever expected Arya’s transformation. Arya perfectly encapsulates both the light and dark parts of the INFJ personality as she transitions from the exuberant innocence of youth to the dark ruthlessness with which she approaches those who harmed her family after experiencing numerous traumas. Her tenacity and willpower are pure INFJ superpowers.

Luna Lovegood in the Harry Potter series

Luna Lovegood is a quirky and brilliant character in Harry Potter who always seems to have access to knowledge and insights no one else does. She is heart-driven, caring, compassionate, and eerily psychic about her observations and astutely perceptive analyses on human nature. She sees through the veil and understands people beyond their surface-level facade. An INFJ at her core!

Joe Goldberg and Love Quinn from You

These two characters in You have many INFJ characteristics even though they would likely fall short of being INFJs due to their crimes. Joe loves reading, his inner monologue is deeply analytical and philosophical, and his idealistic view of love which tends to be tarnished by the reality of his romantic partners is so INFJ-coded. Similarly, Love Quinn is also idealistic in love and a fellow romantic who is very protective over her loved ones — to the point of murder, in fact. INFJs certainly don’t go this far, but they are ferociously protective of people they love. Yet while both of these characters are INFJ-coded, they may lack a key component of the INFJ personality: empathy and remorse for their actions, as well as morality. As Joe falls deeper into his darkness, his empathy and remorse are diminished and he becomes increasingly manipulative and deceptive. Love is willing to throw morals out the window to prevent abandonment and goes to drastic measures to keep the people she loves under her control. While some of their features match with INFJ, they represent more darker and unhealthy aspects and are not tempered by the overwhelming empathy that many INFJs normally possess.

About the author

Shahida Arabi

Shahida is a graduate of Harvard University and Columbia University. She is a published researcher and author of Power: Surviving and Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse and Breaking Trauma Bonds with Narcissists and Psychopaths. Her books have been translated into 16+ languages all over the world. Her work has been featured on Salon, HuffPost, Inc., Bustle, Psychology Today, Healthline, VICE, NYDaily News and more. For more inspiration and insight on manipulation and red flags, follow her on Instagram here.