This Is What Each Zodiac Sign Can Expect From 2021’s Venus In Libra

Venus will be entering the sign of Libra beginning August 16th and will remain there until it enters the sign of Scorpio on September 10th. Here Venus enjoys connecting and many of us will consider entering a relationship if single. Couples will be focused on improving their relationships. Venus is in domicile in the sign of Libra, so this can be a fruitful transit for Air and Fire signs, and it will allow them to express themselves creatively. Focus on self-care and self-love while Venus is here because it adds some balance into our lives, especially with the harsh Saturn transits. Once Venus connects in a trine with Saturn, we will feel more inclined to focus on something we are passionate about, so let those dreams soar. Don’t be afraid to express yourself, because this is a great creative transit for everyone.

Aries – Prepare for unexpected sparks to your relationships, especially if you are single. This Venus in Libra transit will have you making fruitful connections, and it will allow you to strengthen the bonds of your friendships as well. There could be a lot of soul searching for you during this time, so remember to put yourself first.

Taurus – Working hard will be the theme for you during this transit, as Venus in Libra reminds you to continue to push and work harder than before once Saturn makes a trine to this sign later this month. You can make a lot of fruitful and dynamic connections now and can feel unstoppable. Use your time wisely because you will be busy.

Gemini – Great opportunities to meet with friends and family during this transit. You will also feel optimistic about your future, as well as the plans you have already set into motion. Venus in Libra brings a positive trine to your sign, allowing you to see beyond your abilities and into something greater.

Cancer – While this transit makes a square to your sign, you will still be able to experience the benefits from Venus in Libra. It will be a time where you could find that working with others can bring you some good moments. Collaborating with others becomes easier now if you are willing to keep the peace and play nicely.

Leo – New events in your neighborhoods might happen or you will have a need to learn a new topic or subject. Venus in Libra has you on the quest to broaden your horizons, even if it means diving into a book or beginning a new course. You are in a period or transition and growth, as you begin to see how fruitful those connections you have are.

Virgo – Learning and understanding how to bring improvements to your day-to-day life will be a motivator during this Venus in Libra transit. You are going to be focused on working hard and earning more, since Saturn will give Venus a steady and practical drive. You can accomplish a lot here with patience and hard work if you keep your head in the game and are practical with your finances.

Libra – Venus is in domicile in the sign of Libra, so expect some blessings and pleasant moments during this period. Reconnect, pamper, and treat yourself during this period because you deserve it. The stresses feel alleviated for now as you focus on self-care. You are also going to be future oriented and more open to healing.

Scorpio – This is a wonderful transit to have as Venus in Libra allows you to recharge your batteries. There will be a great focus on comfort and relaxation as you feel quite inspired to make some changes around your immediate environment. This is a good time to tap into your creative side and make some arts and crafts to boost your mood and make you feel more excited at home.

Sagittarius – During this transit, you will see changes to your inner circles as you become more aware of who is a loyal friend and who isn’t. While Mars is giving you lots of work to do, Venus in Libra provides moments of leisure. This is your time to have fun, relax, and remember to manage work with fun every now and then. Take it easy and relax.

Capricorn –This is quite the powerful transit as Venus in Libra connects with your career as well as your relationship to your finances. There is going to be a lot of restructuring on your end with this period providing some eye-opening moments for you that will allow you to grow in the future. Envision the type of career you see yourself in.

Aquarius – One of the good things about this Venus in Libra transit is that it will bring a sense of optimism to you. While you still endure the challenges and lessons that Saturn is presenting, you begin to understand that there is hope for you.

Pisces – Making some powerful moves with this Venus in Libra transit as you begin to see just how powerful you are. Venus will give you the opportunities to be introspective and these lessons can help give you the tools needed for next month’s Full Moon in your sign.

About the author

A.T. Nunez

Love astrology and wasting hours writing things I can’t finish.