This Is Why She Thinks You’re Confusing

God & Man

She thinks you’re confusing, because you like every single one of her pictures on Instagram, and then you leave her text messages unread.

She thinks you’re confusing, because you always tell her how much you miss her, but then you say you’re too busy to make actual plans.

She thinks you’re confusing, because you follow her around like a puppy dog one day and then go missing the next day.

She thinks you’re confusing, because you text her first thing in the morning and then forget to reply to her for hours after that.

She thinks you’re confusing, because you tell her how much you like her, but then you act like she means nothing to you. 

She thinks you’re confusing, because you pull her close and then you push her away again.

She thinks you’re confusing, because it’s impossible to tell when you’re going to be in a flirty mood and when you’re going to be acting distant that day.

She thinks you’re confusing, because she looks into every little word that you say. She tries to analyze your behavior to figure you out, because she knows she’ll seem psycho if she actually asks you questions. If she asks you who that girl was in your snap story, if she asks you if you’re interested in dating her or if you’re only using her as a way to pass the time.

She thinks you’re confusing, because she’s made her feelings for you obvious, and you haven’t done the same. You’ve been sending mixed signals, making her rethink herself every few days. 

She thinks you’re confusing, because she can’t read your mind. She can’t figure out why you’re doing the things you do. She can’t understand your motives.

She thinks you’re confusing, because you aren’t being honest enough with her. Because you’re hiding pieces of yourself, even though she’s willing to show you every side of her.

She thinks you’re confusing, because she doesn’t want to see the truth. She doesn’t want to admit that you don’t care about her enough. That you aren’t putting her first, because you don’t like her as much as she likes you. 

She thinks you’re confusing, because she still has faith in you. She doesn’t want to give up on the idea of dating you. She wants to believe that you have a good excuse for blowing her off, for canceling plans, for making her wait. She wants to believe that you can make it up to her.

She thinks you’re confusing, because she would rather pretend that you’re going to come around one day, that you’re eventually going to stop playing games and start a serious relationship with her, than admit that you probably don’t care about her in the same way that she cares for you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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